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作  者:张力为 等 著

出 版 社:北京体育大学出版社

丛 书:北京体育大学学术专著丛书


定  价:58.00

I S B N :9787564406806

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:自然科学丛书、文集、连续性出版物  科学与自然  






1. Moderating effects of gender and age on the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction in mainland Chinese
2. Relationship between Serum Testosterone and Activities of Testicular Enzymes after Continuous and Intermittent Training in Male Rats
3. Prediction of Chinese life satisfaction: Contribution of collective self-esteem
4. Effects of i.c.v. Losartan on the Angiotensin II-Mediated Vasopressin Release and Hypothalamic fos Expression in Near-term Ovine Fetuses
5. Effects of a 28-Day "Living High-Training Low" on T-Lymphocyte Subsets in Soccer Players
6. AB-induced Neuronal Apoptosis is Mediated by Caspase-Dependent Pathways via cAMP-depend PKA Activation
7. Effect of Ganoderma Lucidum Capsules on T-Lymphocyte Subsets in Soccer Players of "Living High-Training Low"
8. The Concept of Wellness from the Perspective of Chinese Culture
9. Central Cholinergic Signal-Mediated Neuroendocrine Regulation of Vasopressin and Oxytocin in Ovine Fetuses
10. Effects of 14-week Tai Ji Quan Exercise on Metabolic Control in Women with Type 2 Diabetes
11. Influence of Short-and Long-term Treadmill Exercises on Levels of Ghrelin, Obestatin and NPY in Plasma and Brain Extradion of Obese Rats
12. Central Cholinergic Mechanisms Mediate Swallowing, Renal Excretion,and c-fos Expression in the Ovine Fetus near Term
13. A New Approach for Exploring Functional Development of Fetal Brain Pathways
14. Acute intermittent hypoxia exposures enhance arterial oxygen delivery
15. Association of androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism with VO2max response to hypoxic training in North China Han men
16. Angiotensin Converting Enzymes and Their Roles in Cardiovascular Diseases
17. Central angiotensin I increases fetal AVP neuron activity and pressor responses
18. Sequences of Upper and Lower Extremity Motions in Javelin Throwing


Previous studies on gender difference of life satisfaction have produced quite confusing results. On the one hand, studies on positive wellbeing found that women reported greater happiness and life satisfaction than men (see the review of Wood Rhodes,Rhoded, &Whelan,1989). A meta-analysis (Hating, Stock, & Okun, 1984) indicated that men were slightly happier than women, but the magnitude of this difference was very small (mean r = .04). On the other hand studies on negative affect and psychological symptomatology found that women reported having more emotional problems (see the review of Fujita, Diener, & Sandvik, 1991)Some researchers (Diener et al., 1985;Wart,Barter, & Brownbridge, 1983; Wood et al., 1989) proposed that posture affect and negative affect are uncorrelated. One empirical study with multitrait-multimethod matrix analyses showed that positive affect is discriminable from negative affect (Lucas,Diener, & Suh, 1996). According to this understanding of affect conceptualization, the gender difference of life satisfaction that we found might be reasonable. However other researchers, Diener et al., 1999; Fujita et al., 1991) tried to use the gender difference on emotional intensity to explain these confusing results. This notion argued that because women had higher level of emotional intensity they reported higher levels of both positive and negative affect.

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