 您现在的位置:图书 > 21世纪高职高专专业英语系列教材:职场英语口语(附光盘)


作  者:肖芬 著

出 版 社:武汉大学出版社


定  价:32.00

I S B N :9787307092259

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  生活实用英语    

标  签:外语学习  高职高专英语  






Chapter 1 Job Search
Unit 1 Looking for a Job
Unit 2 Want Ads
Unit 3 Resume
Unit 4 Cover Letter
Unit 5 Recruitment

Chapter 2 Interview Guide
Unit 1 Before Interview
Unit 2 Questions to Answer
Unit 3 Questions to Ask
Unit 4 Tricky Questions
Unit 5 After Interview

Chapter 3 Sample Interviews
Unit 1 Opening Remarks
Unit 2 Job Expectations
Unit 3 Career Goals
Unit 4 Salary Negotiation
Unit 5 Job Offer Refusal

Chapter 4 Self-selling
Unit 1 Education Background
Unit 2 Working Experience
Unit 3 Abilities and Skills
Unit 4 Personality Traits
Unit 5 Hobbies and Interests

Chapter 5 First Day at Work
Unit 1 Newcomer
Unit 2 Meeting Colleagues
Unit 3 Assigning Work
Unit 4 Office Facilities
Unit 5 Asking for Help

Chapter 6 Workplace Manners
Unit 1 Behavior Rules
Unit 2 Dressing Code
Unit 3 Phone Etiquettes
Unit 4 Table Manners for Business
Unit 5 Workplace Socializing

Chapter 7 Workplace Routines
Unit 1 Routine Work
Unit 2 File Management
Unit 3 Routine Meeting
Unit 4 Business Travel
Unit 5 Expense Reimbursement

Chapter 8 About Company
Unit 1 Company History
Unit 2 Governance
Unit 3 Products and Services
Unit 4 Market Position
Unit 5 Corporate Culture

Chapter 9 About Job
Unit 1 Working Hours
Unit 2 Duties and Responsibilities
Unit 3 Performance Review
Unit 4 Career Ladder
Unit 5 Company Departments

Chapter 10 Employee Benefits
Unit 1 Working Conditions
Unit 2 Benefits Package
Unit 3 Insurance Plans
Unit 4 Incentive Plans
Unit 5 Raise and Promotion Negotiation

Chapter 11 Company Management
Unit 1 Market Research
Unit 2 Product Marketing
Unit 3 Sales Review
Unit 4 After-sale Service
Unit 5 Merger and Acquisition


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开  本:16开
