 您现在的位置:图书 > 研究生入学考试英语词汇


作  者:陈新仁 主编

出 版 社:机械工业出版社

丛 书:网罗词汇


定  价:34.00

I S B N :9787111186960

所属分类: 教育学习  >  考试  >  考研    

标  签:研究生英语  英语考试  英语与其他外语  教程与辅导  真题解析与模拟试卷  词汇  英语  研究生入学考试  考试  




本书严格按照最新的研究生入学考试大纲所要求的英语词汇进行编写,以词汇为中心贯穿全书始终,分为社会生活、文化教育、政治经济、科技空间、人与自然5大主题,内容涉及诸如婚姻、死亡、民间文化、文化适应、政治腐败、智能机器人、厄尔尼诺现象、动物研究等话题。全书覆盖了近3900多个需要掌握的词汇,对近300组词汇进行了辨析。书中还提炼出研究生入学考试中的重点、难点、和常考词汇,使考生深入了解词汇在考试中的具体运用,突出词汇的实用性,达到学以致用,帮助考生取得更好的成绩。 本书不仅适用于参加研究生入学考试的考生,而且适用于全国英语等级考试4-5级的考生,以及想通过阅读学习词汇,掌握词汇用法的广大读者。


Instruction manual
PART I (Social Life)
Unit 1 Models for Marriage
Unit 2 Getting Married in USA
Unit 3 Proper Attitudes Towards Death
Unit 4 A Woman's Beauty
Unit 5 Beauty Is Meaningless
Unit 6 Voice and Personality
Unit 7 Cocksure Women and Hensure Men
Unit 8 Basketball Legend Micheal Jordan Retires
PART II (Culture and Education)
Unit 9 Folk Cultures
Unit 10 Cultural Adjustment
Unit 11 Cultures Clash in the Schools
Unit 12 Satire
Unit 13 Modern Archaeology and Ancient Literature
Unit 14 Movie Music
Unit 15 Film making
Unit 16 Burdened by Their Book Bags
Unit 17 The Revolution in American Higher Education
Unit 18 Statistics
PART III (Politics and Economy)
Unit 19 Political Corruption
Unit 20 Television and Politics
Unit 21 Did Bush Deceive Us
Unit 22 Women in Colonial North America
Unit 23 Women's Emancipation in Western Societies
Unit 24 The World Invades London
Unit 25 The Iron Horse
Unit 26 Mass Transportation
PART IV (Science and Space)
Unit 27 Of Headless Mice...Men
Unit 28 Ingenious Robots
Unit 29 Begin to Prevent AIDS
Unit 30 The Study of the Footprints of Early Hominids
Unit 31 The Value of Animal Research
PART V (Man and Nature)
Unit 32 Features of Glass
Unit 33 Properties of El Nino
Unit 34 Loss of World Species
Unit 35 What If the Forests Were Silent
Unit 36 How Clean Can You Get
Index I
Index II


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:386

版  次:2006-04-01

开  本:16开
