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Arithmetic Geometry and Automorphic Forms(算术几何与自守形式)(英文版)

Arithmetic Geometry and Automorphic Forms(算术几何与自守形式)(英文版)

作  者:(美)科格戴尔 等主编

出 版 社:高等教育出版社


定  价:89.00

I S B N :9787040300963

所属分类: 专业科技  >  自然科学  >  数学    

标  签:自然科学  数学  几何与拓扑  






Jan H. Bruinier and Tonghai Yang: CM Values of Automorphic GreenFunctions on Orthogonal Groups over Totally Real Fields
James W. Cogdell and Freydoon Shahidi: Some Generalized Functionalsand Their Bessel Functions
Jens Funke and John Millson: Spectacle Cycles with Coefficients andModular Forms of Half-integral Weight
Wee Teck Gan: A Regularized Siegel-Weil Formula for ExceptionalGroups
David Ginzburg, Dihua Jiang, Stephen RaUis, and DavidSoudry:L-functions for Symplectic Groups Using Fourier-JacobiModels
Neven Grbac and Joachim Schwermer. An Exercise in AutomorphicCohomology -- the Case GL2 over a Quaternion Algebra
Benedict H. Gross and Nolan R. Wallach: On the Hilbert Polynomialsand Hilbert Series of Homogeneous Projective Varieties
Michael Harris, Jian-Shu Li, and Binyong Sun : ThetaCorrespondences for Close Unitary Groups
Benjamin Howard: Deforming Endomorphisms of SupersingularBarsotti-Tate Groups
Benjamin Howard and Tonghai Yang: Singular Moduli Refined
Jay Jorgenson and Jiirg Kramer : Sup-norm Bounds for AutomorphicForms and Eisenstein Series
Colette Moeglin: Conjecture d''''Adams pour la correspondance de Howeet filtration de Kudla
Brooks Roberts and Ralf Schmidt: On the Number of Local Newforms ina Metaplectic Representation
Marie-France Vigneras: Le foncteur de Colmez pour GL(2, F)/p>


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页  数:557

开  本:16开

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