 您现在的位置:图书 > 高中英语单词串记法(新)


作  者:林润南 编著

出 版 社:汕头大学出版社


定  价:20.00

I S B N :9787811200553

所属分类: 教育学习  >  中小学用书  >  按学年段分  >  高中通用    

标  签:中小学教辅  英语  高中通用  






Unit 1 Friendship
背短文 Fall in Love with English
Unit 2 English around the world
背短文 Different Countries Have Different kinds of English
Unit 3 Travel journal
背短文 A Hard Trip
Unit 4 Earthquakes
背短文 A Horrible Earthquake
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero
背短文 The Great President
Unit 1 Cultural relics
背短文 A Brave Maid
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
背短文 A Fair Competition
Unit 3 Computers
背短文 Computers
Unit 4 Wildlife Protection
背短文 Wildlife Protection
Unit 5 Music
背短文 My First Band
Unit 1 Festivals around the world
背短文 An Interesting Festival
Unit 2 Healthy eating
背短文 Balanced Diet
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note
背短文 Sailing Home
Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars
背短文 Explore MKII
Unit 5 Canada——“The True North”
背短文 A Journey Across Canada
Unit 1 Women of achievement
背短文 A Woman Doctor——Lina
Unit 2 Working the land
背短文 A New Farming Way
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
背短文 chaplin-A Great Master of Humour
Unit 4 Body language
背短文 A Misunderstanding
Unit 5 Theme parks
背短文 A Unique Theme Park
Unit 1 Great scientists
背短文 A Strange Disease
Unit 2 The Unit ed Kingdom
背短文 Sightseeing in the Unit ed Kingdom
Unit 3 Life in thefuture
背短文 An Air Crash
Unit 4 Making the news
背短文 An Amateur Journalist
Unit 5 First aid
背短文 First Aid
Unit 1 Art
背短文 Abstract Art
Unit 2 Poems
背短文 A Russian Poem
Unit 3 A healthy life
背短文 Let’S Help Adolescents
Unit 4 Global warming
背短文 Refresh Our Environment
Unit 5 The power of nature
背短文 A Volcano Eruption
Unit 1 Living well
背短文 Defeat Disability
Unit 2 Robes
背短文 Happy Marriage Needs Fighting For
Unit 3 Underthe sea
背短文 Mark and a Seal
Unit 4 Sharing
背短文 Helping the Remote Village
Unit 5 Travelling abroad
背短文 Study in America
Unit 1 Aland of diversity
背短文 Immigrate to America
Unit 2 Cloning
背短文 Be Careful about Cloning
Unit 3 Inventors and inventions
背短文 Strange Patent Applications
Unit 4 Pygmalion
背短文 Pronunciation and Status
Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors
背短文 A Sly MuMer
Unit 1 Breaking records
背短文 A Courageous Amateur
Unit 2 Sailing the oceans
背短文 A Hard Expedition
Unit 3 Australia
背短文 Welcome to Australia
Unit 4 Exploring plants
背短文 The Exotic P~ants from China
Unit 5 Inside advertising
背短文 Beware of Advertisements
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
背短文 The Stout Captain
Unit 2 King Lear
背短文 The Story Carved on an Armchair
Unit 3 Fairness for all
背短文 Fighting Against Racial Discrimination
Unit 4 Learning efficiently
背短文 Don’t Assess One by His Appearance
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
背短文 Betty Was Not the Burglar


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:240

开  本:大32开

纸  张:胶版纸
