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on the growth of l-s transforms and the singular direction of complex analysis

on the growth of l-s transforms and the singular direction of complex analysis

作  者:孔荫莹,洪勇 著

出 版 社:暨南大学出版社


定  价:28.00

I S B N :9787811356847

所属分类: 专业科技  >  自然科学  >  数学    

标  签:自然科学  微积分  数学  






Chapter 1 On the growth of the Laplace-Stieltjes transform convergent in thecomplex plane
 1.1 Entire functions represented by L-S transform
 1.2 On orders and types of L-S transform convergent in the complex plane
 1.3 On Type-function of L-S transform convergent in the complex plane
 1.4 Abscissas of convergence of L-S transform independent of
Chapter 2 On the growth of the Laplace-Stieltjes transform convergent in the righthalfplane
 2.1 On Type-function of L-S transform convergent in the right half-plane
 2.2 On the growth of zero order L-S transform convergent in the right half-plane
 2.3 The L-S transform convergent in the right half-plane and its relative transform
 2.4 The value distribution of the L-S transform convergent in the right half-plane
Chapter 3 Singular directions of quasimeromorphic mappings
 3.1 Introduction and some definitions
 3.2 A singular direction of quasimeromorphic lnappings on some Type-functions in thecomplex plane
 3.3 A singular radius of quasimeromorphic mappings on some Type-functions in the unitdisc
 3.4 On the filling discs in Borel radius of quasimeromorphic mapl~ng !~i the unit disc
 3.5 On Nevanlinna direction and Julia direction Of quasimeromorphic mappings
Chapter 4 The growth of algebroidal functions
 4.1 Introduction of algebroidal functions
 4.2 A cohnection between the Nevanlinna characteristic function and the maximummodulus of algebroidal functions
 4.3 Some properties of algebroidal function
 4.4 On filling discs in the strong Borel direction of the algebroidal function with finite
 4.5 On T-radius of algebroidal function in the unit disc
 4.6 Algebroidal function and its derivate function in the unit disc
 4.7 Normality criteria for families of algebroidal functions
Chapter 5 Some new studies of Dirichlet series and random Dirichlet series
 5.1 Introduction and background
 5.2 On orders and types of Dirichlet series of slow growth
 5.3 On orders and types of random Dirichlet series of slow growth
 5.4 On the distribution of random Dirichlet series in the whole plane
 5.5 Pits on some entire functions defined by. Dirichlet series
 5.6 On some q-orders and q-types of Dirichlet-Hadamard product function


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装  帧:平装

页  数:217

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸
