 您现在的位置:图书 > 人人说英语(附光盘高级)


作  者:张在新

出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社


定  价:33.90

I S B N :9787560028811

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  生活实用英语    

标  签:语言文字  语言.文字  英语教学  






Part 1 漫画
  Unit 1 Daily Life
    Saturday Morning(E)
    Taking the Ferry(E)
    Bathing a Dog(M)
    Painting the House(M)
  Unit 2 Education
    In a SchoolLibrary(1)(E)
    In a SchoolLibrary(2)(E)
  Unit 3 Food and Drink
  Unit 4 Free-time Activities
    Ice Fishing(E)
    At the Zoo(D)
  Unit 5 Health and Body Care
    Another Forty Yearsto Live(M)
  Unit 6 Holidays
    With Christmas Cards(E)
  Unit 7 Home and Family
    My Dog(M)
  Unit 8 Jobs and Occupations
    You''re Fired(E)
    All Right,GetIn (M)
    A Bad Day(M)
  Unit 9 People
    Thanks Anyway(M)
    Firm Believer in God (M)
  Unit 10 Shopping
    In a Supermarket(1)(M)
    In a Supermarket(2)(M)
  Unit 11 Social Relations
  Unit 12 Travel
    Travel by Ari(E)
    The Traffic Stop(M)
Part 2 故事
  Unit 1 Education
    Basketball Player(M)
    Final Exam (M)
  Unit 2 Food and Drink
    The Most Grief (M)
  Unit 3 Free-time Activities
    Going Swimming (E)
    Taking Pictures (E)
  Unit 4 Health and Body Care
    Hearing (E)
    Don''t Cough (E)
    A Facelift (E)
  Unit 5 Home and Family
    Waiting (E)
    Thanksgiving (M)
    Angry Wife (D)
  Unit 6 Jobs and Occupations
    A Job Interview (E)
    Test (M)
    Competing for a Job (M)
  Unit 7 People
    Larry and Two Cows (M)
    Wade and 168 Ducklings (M)
  Unit 8 Services
    Why Do You Keep Calling? (E)
    I Only Want $100 (E)
    Sharing a Hotel Room (M)
  Unit 9 Shopping
    Fake Money (E)
    Bye-bye, Grandpa (M)
    Washing a Rabbit (M)
  Unit 10 Social Relations
    Proposing to Susan (M)
    On a Date (M)
    My Relatives (D)
  Unit 11 Travel
    Traveling with a Cat (M)
    Trip to France (M)
  Unit 12  weather
    Snow Plow (E)
Part 3 对话练习
  附录1 漫画录音资料
  附录2 故事录音资料
  附录3 练习答案
  附录4 词汇表


TOP 其它信息

页  数:189页

开  本:16
