 您现在的位置:图书 > 外贸跟单英语


作  者:周树玲 主编

出 版 社:对外经济贸易大学出版社


定  价:13.00

I S B N :9787811342727

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  高职高专教材    

标  签:外语  高职高专  大学英语  




Layout of Business E-mails 商务电子邮件格式
Part One Introduction 介绍
Lesson 1 An Inquiry 询盘
Lesson 2 A Factory Self-introduction 工厂介绍
Lesson 3 An Offer 报价
Lesson 4 Inviting the Customer to Visit China 邀请客户来中国
Part Two Samples 样品
Lesson 5 Sending Samples 寄送样品
Lesson 6 Confirmation for Receipt of Samples 确认收到样品
Lesson 7 Making Duplicate Samples with Substitute Material 用替代材料制作复样
Lesson 8 Packing of the Duphcate Samples复样的包装
Lesson 9 Approval of Duplicate Samples and Sending a PO 批准复样并寄送购货订单
Part Three Negotiating Business Terms 商谈业务条款
Lesson 10 A Counter-Offer for LCD Monitors 对液晶显示器的还价
Lesson 11 Confirming a Purchase Order 确认接受购货订单
Lesson 12 Asking for Proforma Invoice 要求形式发票
Lesson 13 Suggesting Payment by T\/T 建议采用电汇支付
Lesson 14 Asking for Payment by D\/P at Sight 请求用即期付款交单支付
Lesson 15 Asking the Supplier to Confirm L\/C Application 要求供货方确认信用证申请书
Lesson 16 Asking for Amendment to L\/C Application 要求修改信用证申请书
Part Four Executing Orders 执行订单
Lesson 17 Updates on Production of Rome Curtains 更新有关罗马窗帘生产进度情况
Lesson 18 Apology for Postponement of Delivery 因推迟交货表示道歉
Lesson 19 Changing P.O.Quantifies 改变订单数量
Lesson 20 Packing Requirements 包装要求
Lesson 21 Reply from the Exporter on Packing 出口方关于包装的答复
Lesson 22 Shipping Instructions 装运须知
Lesson 23 Sending Video Tape for Shipment to the Buyer 给买方寄送装运过程录像带
Lesson 24 Shipment in Pallets 用托盘运输
Lesson 25 Shipping Advice 1 装船通知(一)
Lesson 26 Shipping Advice 2 装船通知(二)
Lesson 27 Useful Abbreviation 常用缩略语


TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:123

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸
