 您现在的位置:图书 > 中国国际私法(全英文法学精要)


作  者:霍政欣

出 版 社:法律出版社


定  价:38.00

I S B N :9787511809056

所属分类: 人文社科  >  法律  >  国际法    

标  签:政治法律  外国法律、国际法  法 律  






霍政欣  1976年11月生,2005年6月毕业于武汉大学法学院,获法学博士学位,现就职于中国政法大学国际法学院,兼任中国法学会理事、中国国际私法学会理事、韩国首尔国立大学中国研究所研究员。曾先后赴德国(2001)、奥地利(2003)、荷兰(2004)、美国(2006—2007)、韩国(2009—2010)等国进行访问研究。作者的主要专著有《不当得利的国际私法问题》(武汉大学出版社,2006),主要译著有《法律选择与涉外司法》(北京大学出版社,2007)、《如果你是平等主义者,为何如此富有?》(北京大学出版社,2009)等;先后在“American Journal ofComparative Law”、“Asian Pacific Law and Policy Journal”、“Journal ofCambridge Studies”、《法学研究》、《法学评论》、《比较法研究》、《武汉大学学报》、《求是学刊》、《民商法论丛》、《中国国际法年刊》、《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》、《武大国际法评论》、《人民法院报》、《南方周末》、《联合早报》等国内外刊物上发表中英文学术论文、译文及评论50余篇;其科研及教学成果曾获得湖北省第六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖、北京市第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖、中国高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)三等奖、中国政法大学第四届青年教师教学基本功大赛冠军等奖项。


Chapter One  Introduction
  1.1  Name,Scope and Nature
    1.1.1  Name
    1.1.2  Scope
    1.1.3  Nature
  1.2  Definition. A Chinese Approach
  1.3  Justification for Private International Law
    1.3.1  Justice and Reciprocation
    1.3.2  Sovereign Justification
    1.3.3  Economic Justification
    1.3.4  Chinese Doctrine
  1.4  Sources of Private International Law
    1.4.1  Domestic Sources
    1.4.2  International Sources
    1.4.3  Sources of Chinese Private International Law
  1.5  Structure and Categories of Conflicts Rules
    1.5.1  Structure of Conflicts Rule
    1.5.2  Categories

Chapter Two  Historical Survey
   2.1  European Continental History
    2.1.1  Antiquity
    2.1.2  Personal Law Period
    2.1.3  The Statute Theories
    2.1.4  The German Contribution: Seat Theory
   2.2  Anglo-American History
    2.2.1  English History
    2.2.2  American History
   2.3  East Asian History
    2.3.1  Japanese History
    2.3.2  Chinese History

Chapter Three The Subjects of Private Intemational Law
  3.1  Natural Persons
    3.1.1  Nationality
    3.1.2  Domicile
  3.2  Legal Persons
    3.2.1  Nationality
    3.2.2  Domicile
    3.2.3  Recognition of Foreign Legal Persons
  3.3  States
    3.3.1  Characteristics of States as the Subjects of Private International Law
    3.3.2  immunities of States and Their Property
  3.4  International organizations
    3.4.1  Characteristics of International Organizations as the Subjects of Private International Law
    3.4.2  Privileges and immunities
    3.4.3  Applicable Law

Chapter Four  Jurisdiction of Courts in IntemaUonal Civil Litigation
  4.1  Basic Theory of Jurisdiction
    4.1.1  Definition of Jurisdiction in the Context of Private International Law
    4.1.2  Categories of Jurisdiction
    4.1.3  Conflicts of Jurisdiction
  4.2  International Civil Jurisdiction in the United States Courts
    4.2.1  Types of Civil Jurisdiction in the United States
    4.2.2  Bases for Jurisdiction in the United States
    4.2.3  Limits on Jurisdiction: Forum non conveniens
  4.3  International Civil Jurisdiction in Chinese Courts
    4.3.1  Overview
    4.3.2  Jurisdiction of the Chinese People'' s Courts in International Civil Litigation

Chapter Five  General Part of Conflicts Law

  5.1  Characterization
    5.1.1  The Need for Characterization
    5.1.2  Conflict of Characterizations
    5.1.3  Application of Law for Characterization
    5.1.4  Characterization in Chinese People'' s Courts
  5.2  Renvoi
    5.2.1  Definition
    5.2.2  Debate on Renvoi
    5.2.3  Application of the Doctrine in Certain Foreign Countries/Regions
    5.2.3  Renvoi in Chinese Legislation and Judicial Practice
  5.3  Proof of Foreign Law and Evasion of Law
    5.3.1  Need for the Proof of Foreign Law
    5.3.2  Proof of Foreign Law in Some Foreign Jurisdictions
    5.3.3  Proof of Foreign Law in Chinese People'' s Courts
    5.3.4  Evasion of Law
  5.4  Public Order Reservation
    5.4.1  Introduction
    5.4.2  Legislative Development of the Doctrine of Ordre Public in China
    5.4.3  Cases in which the Doctrine is Invoked by the People'' s Courts of China
    5.4.4  Chinese Scholarship on Ordre Public
    5.4.5  Conclusion

Chapter Six  Selected Areas of Conflicts Rules
  6.1  Capacities
    6.1.1  Natural Persons
    6.1.2  Legal Persons
  6.2  Contracts
    6.2.1  Overview
    6.2.2  Party Autonomy
    6.2.3  Applicable Law in the Absence of Choice
  6.3  Torts
    6.3.1  Overview
    6.3.2  Conflicts Rules in Torts in Certain Foreign Countries
    6.3.3  Chinese Conflicts Rules in Torts
  6.4  Property
    6.4.1  The Distinction in Law between Movables and Immovables
    6.4.2  The Law Applicable to Immovables
    6.4.3  The Law Applicable to Movables
    6.4.4  The Sphere of the Lex Situs
    6.4.5  Chinese Conflicts Rules in Property
  6.5  Family Issues
    6.5.1  Introduction
    6.5.2  Marriage and Divorce
    6.5.3  Matrimonial Causes
    6.5.4  Conclusion
  6.6  Succession
    6.6.1  Overview
    6.6.2  Legal Succession
    6.6.3  Testamentary Succession
    6.6.4  Vacant Succession
    6.6.5  Chinese Legislation and Practice

Chapter Seven  Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
  7.1  General Observations
    7.1.1  Definitions
    7.1.2  Theoretical Basis for Recognition and Enforcement
    7.1.3  Conditions of Recognition and Enforcement
    7.1.4  Enforcement Procedures of Recognized Foreign Judgments
  7.2  Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in China
    7.2.1  Domestic Rules Regarding Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
    7.2.2  International Treaties and Bilateral Agreements

Chapter Eight  Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards

  8.1  Characteristics of International Commercial Arbitration
    8.1.1  Overview
    8.1.2 The Meaning of "International" and "Commercial"
  8.2  Basic Theory of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards
    8.2.1  Distinction between Recognition and Enforcement
    8.2.2  Place of Recognition and Enforcement
    8.2.3  Consequences of Refusal of Recognition and Enforcement
  8.3 The Regime for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards in China
    8.3.1  The New York Convention in China
    8.3.2  Chinese Domestic Law on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards

Chapter Nine China''s Codification of Conflicts Law: Latest Development
  9.1  A Brief Summary of the Draft
  9.2  Comments on the Important Issues of the Draft
    9.2.1  General Provisions
    9.2.2  Civil Parties
    9.2.3  Family Relationships
    9.2.4  Succession
    9.2.5  Property or Real Rights
    9.2.6  Intellectual Property
    9.2.7  Contracts
    9.2.8  Torts
    9.2.9  Other Civil Relationships
  9.3  Concluding Remarks

Selected Bibliography
  Annex Ⅰ  Glossary of Private International Law
  Annex Ⅱ  Model Law of Private International Law of The People''s Republic of China
  Annex Ⅲ  Chapter Eight of the General Principle of Civil Law of the People''s Republic of China
  Annex Ⅳ  Part Four of the Civil Procedure Law of the People''s Republic of China
  Annex Ⅴ  Part Seven of Opinions on Application of the General Principle of Civil Law
  Annex Ⅵ  Part Eighteen of the Opinions of the Application of the Civil Procedure Law
  Annex Ⅶ  Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Hearing the Cases Involving Foreign-related Civil or Commercial Contractual Disputes
  Annex Ⅷ  Cases Study





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