 您现在的位置:图书 > 我最喜欢的英语故事书


作  者:于鑫 主编

出 版 社:吉林出版集团


定  价:16.80

I S B N :9787546326931

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练    

标  签:中小学教辅  英语阅读  英语  





本书根据小学生学习英语的语言发展规律,控制词汇和语法的使用,由浅到深地取材,充分照顾了读者的理解能力。每篇故事都反映了小学生的生活、思想和感情实际,令孩子爱不释手、忍俊不禁。图文并茂 每篇故事都配有贴切、生动、幽默的小插图,帮助小读者理解语言,提高小读者的英语鉴赏能力。题型既符合孩子的认知规律,又与标准和主流英语测试接轨;既能测试学生对文章的理解程度,又能培养学生的动笔写作能力,还可以考查学生在情景语境中运用语言的水平。




Unit 1 The Birthday Present
Unit 2 What Is It?
Unit 3 The Wrong Feet
Unit 4 Where are My Glasses?
Unit 5 Not Clever
Unit 6 What Is John Playing?
Unit 7 John Has a Busy Day
Unit 8 Fragile! This Side Up!
Unit 9 Going to Work
Unit 10 Not a Thief
Unit 11 The Greedy Dog
Unit 12 The Lion and the Mouse
Unit 13 School Report
Unit 14 The Farmer and His Horse
Unit 15 Police Dogs
Unit 16 The Fox and the Bird
Unit 17 The Wrong Way
Unit 18 The Foolish Cyclist
Unit 19 A Good Memory
Unit 20 A Guessing Game
Unit 21 Emergency
Unit 22 A Bowl of Noodles
Unit 23 Helping Mr.Cui
Unit 24 Treasure
Unit 25 In Hospital
Unit 26 No One There
Unit 27 A Stranger in the Town
Unit 28 Paul Wanted His Ball
Unit 29 A Bad Workman Blames His Tools!
Unit 30 Not Welcome
Unit 31 By the Seaside
Unit 32 First Day at School
Unit 33 Brave Susie
Unit 34 The Untidy Room
Unit 35 Telling the Truth
Unit 36 Lost and Found
Unit 37 The Clever Parrot
Unit 38 The Wise Man
Unit 39 The Two Shopkeepers
Unit 40 The Joke
Unit 41 Stone Soup
Unit 42 The Musician Who Became King
Unit 43 The Most Beautiful Sound
Unit 44 Holes to Fall into
Unit 45 A Piece of Paper





TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:162

版  次:1

开  本:大16开

纸  张:胶版纸
