 您现在的位置:图书 > 大学英语四六级晨读经典365(附光盘第2版秋日硕果篇)


作  者:江涛 主编

出 版 社:石油工业出版社

丛 书:江涛英语


定  价:19.80

I S B N :9787502176686

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  真题    

标  签:语言文字  语言.文字  英语教学  








Unit 1 社会百态
ay 185 Bottled Water and Tap Water-Which Is Healthier瓶装水与自来水——哪种更健康?
Day 186 How about Your Health-"Well"or"Wellness"你的健康状况如何——“良好”还是“理想”
Day 187 Older Parents’Fears高龄父母的恐惧
Day 188 Simplifying Dinner宴会简单化
Day 189 Benefits from Occasional Stress从偶尔的压力中受益
Day 190 Protect“LastGreatPlace”保护好“最后的伟大地区”
Day 191 Green Label绿色标签
Day 192 Complain and Dealing抱怨与应对
Day 193 Oil beneath ANWR北极国家野生保护区下的石油
Day 194 Lead Deposits铅沉淀
Day 195 More Exercise多做运动
Day 196 Coldor Flu感冒还是流感
Day 197 Should America Owna Bomb?美国人应当人手一枚氢弹吗?
Day 198 Office Politics办公室策略
Day 199 Absence·mindness Leads to Forgetting心不在焉导致健忘
Day 200 How to Help the Nex tGeneration
Day 201 Which Kind of Graduates Companies Favor公司青睐哪种类型的毕业生?
Day 202 Teenage Drivers Caused High Death Rates少年司机引发高死亡率
Day 203 Absent-minded PeakPeriods健忘高峰期
Day 204 Who Has the Custody Right to Children?谁拥有对孩子的监护权?
Day 205 The Genuine Heroes真正的英雄
Day 206 Weight-training——Benefit for Health or N0t负荷训练——对健康是否有益
Day 207 FacedwithPressure面对压力
Day 208 The Wave of Would.be Americans移民美国的浪潮
Day 209 SimplifyYour Life简化你的生活
Day 210 FearMechanism恐惧机制
Day 211 Violence ofthe Media媒体暴力
Day 212 WorryingDrugPrices令人担忧的药价
Day 213 ThePrivilegesfortheSenior~Dbcount老年人的特权——折扣
Day 214 Amazing Rainforest Soils神奇的雨林土壤
Day 215 The Cure for Seasonal Depression季节性抑郁症的治疗
Day 216 How to Deal with Electronic Trash如何处理电子垃圾
Day 217 Stop Terrorists at the Border将恐怖分子挡任境外
Day 21 8 Private Lives Leaked out个人隐私泄漏
Day 21 9 Career Women and Marriage职业女性与婚姻
Day 220 Human Nature人性
Day 221 WhatTearsDoGoodforUs?眼泪对我们有什么好处?
Day 222 Vitamin维生素
Day 223 Being Thin Is Healthy?瘦即是健康吗?
Day 224 HumanViolence人类暴力
Day 225 Debun~ng a Medical Treatment揭穿医疗骗局
Day 226 Is the World's Environment Healthy or Not?世界环境健康与否?
Day 227 Rubbish’s Recycling垃圾回收

Unit 2 文化剪影
Day 228 Pay Attention to Girl's Education关注女孩教育
Day 229 Teach Your Children How to Say Sorry教育孩子如何道歉
Day 230 Early Childhood Education儿童早期教育
Day 231 Signed Languages手语
Day 232 Intelligent People聪明人
Day 233 The Serious Use of the Word“Opinion慎用“观点”一词
Day 234 Children Stride Adulthood儿童成人化
Day 235 The Time Crunch Children Face孩子们面临的时间危机
Day 236 Students Become More Materialistic学生们变得更加功利
Day 237 Decline in American's Moral Standards美国道德标准下滑
Day 238 Business-Leaders-to-He's Morality未来商业领导者的道德
Day 239 Amdrican Dream -Success美国梦——成功
Day 240 Choosing Single Life选择单身生活
Day 241 Flaw on u.s.Education Practice in Mathand Science美国数学和科学教育的缺陷
Day 242 Distance Learning ls Booming日趋盛行的远程教学
Day 243 Special Forms of Teaching独特的教学方式
Day 244 The Use of Deferential Language敬语的使用
Day 245 Story about Halloween万圣节的故事
Day 246 Storm of Intelligence Testing智力测试风波
Day 247 Culture Difference文化差异
Day 248 ThanksgiVing Day感恩节

Unit 3 时代“经”英
Unit 4 未来时空



But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact,New York's municipal water for more than a centurywas called the champagne of tap water and until recentlyconsidered among the best in the world in terms of bothtaste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England foundthat tap water from the Thames River tasted better thanseveral leading brands of bottled water that were 400times more expensive.
Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottledwater as the next battle-ground for market share despitethe fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes fromtap water: PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's Dasaniare both purified tap water rather than spring water.
As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers andrestaurateurs salivate over the profits. A restaurant's typicalmark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottledwater it's often 300 to 500 percent. But since water is muchcheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brands aren'tavailable in stores, most diners don't notice or care.



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