 您现在的位置:图书 > 小学生英语无障碍阅读系列•英语小故事随堂读(四年级)


作  者:薛益谦,陈维 编著

出 版 社:大连出版社

丛 书:小学生英语无障碍阅读


定  价:12.00

I S B N :9787806848609

所属分类: 教育学习  >  中小学用书  >  按学年段分  >  小学四年级  教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:中小学教辅  小学四年级  英语阅读  英语  











1. A Clever Dog
2. Mr Jack's Dog
3. A Clever Panda
4. You're Both Right
5. Eat First and Then Wash
6. The Cat and the Mouse
7. Parrot Interpreter
8. A Hungry Fox
9. A Crow and an Old Fox
10. A Bear Climbing up the Tree
11. A Monkey
12. A Lion and Four Bulls
13. Elephant
14. The Smallest Bird in the World
15. The Whale

1. Seeing the Doctor
2. Go to School
3. Mother Is at Home
4. Two and One Is Three
5. Do It Like a Gentle-man
6. Do You Want Me to Tell a Lie?
7. In the Fast Food Restaurant
8. White Hair
9. Wait for a Bus
10. Tom' s Question
11. On Foot
12. One Year Older
13. A Cat Eats a Mouse
14. That's Not Enough
15. Thank You

1. I Taught the Teacher
2. Drawing
3. Make Sentences
4. Laugh in English
5. How Much Is Four Minus Four
6. On the Way to School
7. In the Geography Class
8. English Marks
9. We Have the Same Mother
10. What Happened?
11. The School and the Zoo
12. It Isn't My Dog

1. This Is Seat
2. A Box of Matches
3. The Dog Is Long
4. A Joke
5. The Wonderful Phone
6. No Driver
7. Not Adancer
8. Tow Holes in Door
9. A New Postbox
10. A Football Fan
11. Sleeping Pills
12. I Want to Go Out
13. Kind Mr Martin
14. Pushing Car
15. Only One Pie
16. Mrs Brown' s Cat
17. Terrible Sound
18. Wet Paint
19. I Think I Am at the Office
20. It's Right on the Table
21. Two Hunters

1. After School
2. The Birthday Present
3. Three Doctors
4. The Poor and the Rich
5. A Dead Fly
6. Before They're Born
9. She Would Do More
10. A Good Idea
11. Two Painters
12. Does Anyone Want a Clean Plate?
13. Two Pieces of Paper
14. A Policeman and a Thief
15. A Clever Servant

1. Cheap Oranges
2. A Happy Grandparent
3. Do You Know the Time?
4. Two Friends
5. A Woman Using the Telephone
6. Thirteen
7. She Is Wrong
8. It Was Not Locked
9. Too Dark inside the Room
10. If He Is on Foot
11. Sandwich
12. Be Careful
13. All of Men Are the Same

1. A Story of Mozart
2. Like You
3. My Father Isn't a Rich Man
4. Honest Lincoln
5. Lincoln' s Humor
6. A Boy Liking Reading
7. Jack London
8. Edison' s Question
9. Charles Chaplin




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页  数:186 页

开  本:32

