 您现在的位置:图书 > 小学生英语无障碍阅读系列•英语小故事随堂读(五年级)


作  者:薛益谦,陈维 编著

出 版 社:大连出版社

丛 书:小学生英语无障碍阅读


定  价:12.00

I S B N :9787806848517

所属分类: 教育学习  >  中小学用书  >  按学年段分  >  小学五年级  教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:中小学教辅  小学五年级  英语阅读  英语  











1. Mr Green's Dog
2. A Duck and a Cock
3. A Foreign Language
4. The Proud Hare
5. The Fox and the Grapes
6. The Rooster and the Fox
7. The Boys and the Frogs
8. The Fox and the Goat
9. Who's Clever?
10. Who Am I?
11. A Seeing-eye Dog
12. The Giraffe
13. The Donkey and the Grasshopper
14. The Hawk and the Frog

1. He Can't Understand
Me, Either
2. Mr Smith and a Thief
3. It's Empty
4. Mother and Son
5. A Parrot
6. I'm Not Listening
7. My Father Knows It
8. Have His Ear in My Pocket
9. Big Head
10. Call Me Back
11. It Is Mum
12. Have No Time
13. A Whistle
14. A Police Taxi
15. To Teach a Lesson
16. Billy and Bobby

1. Don't Cry
2. It Isn't My Fault
3. What's the Question
4. Only One Ball
5. Sir Mike Hunt
6. Only I Didn't Cry
7. Shake Hands
8. Do It Myself
9. Sixteen Years Older
10. Fried Chicken
11. A Modest Boy
12. Nest and Hair
13. A Good Beating
14. The Longest Word
15. The Things in the Past
16. Who Found America?
17. Dirtier and Dirtier

1. Two Americans
2. Post a Letter
3. Counting
4. Fishing
5. I Have Lost My Way
6. A Football Fan
7. The Dog Can Under-Stand English
8. You're All After Me
9. Poor Memory
10. Farther and Farther
11. A Movie Fan
12. Too Long
13. Who Is He

1. A Good Idea
2. Divide the Apples
3. The Easiest Question
4. The Best Picture
5. I'll Show You the Way
6. A Free Show
7. Aren't You His Mother?
8. How Old Is She?
9. Please Drink a Little
10. The Bride in White
11. A Learned Man
12. Mr Webster's Bar
13. Would You Like a Haircut?

1. I Can Do It
2. I Wast't Asleep
3. I've Decide to Hire Her
4. Who's the Laziest?
5. A Foggy Day
6. I Can See Nothing
7. I Only Send You Six
8. Two Eggs
9. On the Bus
10. Don't Walk on the Grass
11. Eating Ice-cream
12. My Room Is on Fire
13. See Doctor
14. A Careful Timekeeper
15. "Fly" Soup
16. A Dream of Twenty Years Before
17. Another Telegram
18. Angle
19. The Secret

1. Two Women
2. Karl Gauss
3. Napolean and His Secretary
4. Past and Now
5. A Servant
6. Benjamin Franklin
7. James Watt
8. The Story of Stamp




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页  数:186 页

开  本:32

