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作  者:(美)史密斯(Smith,R.),(英)泰勒(Taylor,N.) 著,葛萌 注

译  者:葛萌

出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社

丛 书:外研社·企鹅英语分级有声读物


定  价:13.00

I S B N :9787560027470

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:英语课外阅读  中小学课外读物  五年级  小学  教材教辅与参考书  读物  小学英语  英语与其他外语  




本套丛书内容丰富,由易渐难,主要突出了以下特色: 分级明确:结合最新颁布的国家《英语课程标准》(实验稿)的精神划分适用年级,遵循语言学习的规律,充分考虑到不同年龄段学生生理和心理发展的特点和需求; 配有音带:有助于提高听力水平,加强学生对语言的理解力; 插图生动:带你进入“读图时代”,意向直观、准确; 题材丰富:涵盖现代流行,经典名著和精彩原创三大类别,内容还涉及名人,名著,电影,戏剧等不同的领域; 注释简洁:帮助减少阅读过程中可能遇到的阻力,并激发学习者的自信心; 配有练习:理解题目按照阅读图式认知理论精心设计,为阅读提供了方向性指导与检测手段。



1 Jennifer Lopez
2 Michael Jordan


School Is Important
Jennifer is not only beautiful. She is interesting, too. She performs for the family. In games with her sisters, she is usually a famous person. Sometimes she is a singer. Sometimes she is a dancer or a movie star. And she is only four years old.
David and Guadalupe take Jennifer to a school of theater and dance. Later, Jennifer goes to a dance school. Here, they teach only Spanish dance. In a short
time, little Jennifer can sing and dance very well. She can act, too.
“Jennifer’s having fun, but are these things important?” her mother and father ask. It is 1975, and life is difficult for many Puerto Ricans in New York. But David and Guadalupe have good jobs. David works in an office and Guadalupe is a teacher. They want to see their daughters in good jobs, too. For this, school work is very important. They send Jennifer to the Holy Family Catholic School in New York. It is a good school and Jennifer is a good student.

Problems at Home
The school years go quickly, and 1983 arrives. Jennifer is not a little girl now. Suddenly, there are problems at home.
They start with Madonna. Jennifer often listens to Madonna’s music. She watches the famous star on TV. She likes to dress in the same clothes. Her mother and father don’t understand. Their daughter wants to be aperformer, and they are not very happy about this.
One day in 1988, David and Guadalupe are angry because Jennifer wants to stop going to school. Jennifer is angry, too. She walks out of the house.
Jennifer goes to her dance school and lives there for a short time. Then she moves into an apartment in Manhattan with some friends. She is unhappy about the problems with her family, but she wants to be a performer.
“I can dance. I can act. I can sing,” she thinks. “But now the important work starts.”

Jennifer the Dancer
Jennifer goes to her dance school every day. She works well. Then she starts to look for a job. It is 1988.There are many good dancers in New York. They are all
looking for work, but there aren't many jobs.
“This is going to take a long time,”Jennifer thinks.
She is wrong. The theater show, Golden Musicals of Broadway, wants dancers. Jennifer goes for an audition and gets a job. The show goes to Europe. Then, after
five months, Jennifer starts a job with a new show, Synchronicity. This show goes to Japan.
A year later, Jennifer comes back to the US. She is a very good dancer now. And she’s beautiful, too. She’s fun. And she’s Latin. She gets some interesting work in music. She dances on the music videos of famous singers, and she meets important people in the music business.
Then 1991 arrives. It is three years after Jennifer’s problem with her mother and father. She has work, and she is a success. She has a boyfriend, too—David Cruz. Her family are happy for her now. But Jennifer is not always happy about her job. She doesn't only want to dance. She wants to be an actress, too. Where can she find this work?
Television is the answer. Later in the year, there are auditions for a part in the famous TV show, In Living Color. Two thousand girls go to the auditions in Los
Angeles, but Jennifer gets the job. The show’s producer, Keenan Wayans, wants a Fly Girl dancer. Fly Girls don’t act. They dance in parts of the show.
Jennifer is not very happy about this.“I don’t want to dance. I want to act,” she says.
“But the show is going to make you famous,” Keenan says.“This is important for an actress.”
Jennifer listens. She moves to Los Angeles, and she starts work on the show.
Keenan is right. Two years later, Jennifer is famous on TV. Then she dances on Janet Jackson’s music video, That’s the Way Love Goes. The video is very popular. The producer of the TV show South Central likes Jennifer’s work. “I want an actress for my show,” he says. “Would you like the job?”
Jennifer says yes. She finishes In Living Color and starts work on South Central.
1988 was the year of Jennifer the dancer. 1993 is the year of Jennifer the actress.

Basketball at School
From twelve to fifteen years old Michael plays baseball, basketball, and football at school. He is short for a basketball player: he is only 1.75 meters (5'9"). Mr. and Mrs. Jordan are under 1.75 meters. Michael isn’t going to be very tall.
In 1978, Michael starts his three years at Laney High School. His teachers say now, “Michael was a good student. He was quiet, but he had a lot of friends.”
Michael starts basketball at Laney on the “A” team. Larry is on the “A” team, too. He has number 45. Michael asks for number 23 because 45 + 2 = 22 1/2 But Michael doesn’t stay on the “A” team. The coach moveshim to the “B” team.
Michael is angry. He wants to be on the best team. He plays basketball every morning, afternoon, and evening. Sometimes, he doesn’t go to school. His father
talks to him. Basketball is important, but school is important, too. Michael goes back to school.
It is the summer of 1979. Mr. Jordan remembers,“Michael wanted to be tall. He wanted to be on the‘A’ team. Suddenly he was 1.91 meters (6'3") tall.” In
September, Michael plays on the “A” team. He is the star of basketball at Laney.
The “A” team games start at seven-thirty in the evening. Before five o’lock, the people of Wilmington are waiting at the court. They want to see Michael. Laney wins its first championship that year.

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页  数:36

版  次:2003年11月第1版

开  本:32开
