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作  者:纪康丽 编著

出 版 社:清华大学出版社

丛 书:高校英语选修课系列教材


定  价:32.00

I S B N :9787302211198

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:外语  公共课  大学英语教材  大学英语  






Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 A Review of History
1.2 Speechmaking as an Art
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Content
1.5 Materials
1.6 Teaching Approach
1.7 Assessment

Chapter 2 Selecting a Topic
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Criteria for Selecting a Topic
2.3 Speech by Mahatma Gandhi
2.4 Classroom Activities
2.5 Student Sample Speech
2.6 Topics for Discussion
2.7 Suggested Readings

Chapter 3 Content
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Criteria for Judging the Speech Content
3.3 Speech by Abraham Lincoln
3.4 Classroom Activities
3.5 Student Sample Speech
3.6 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
3.7 Topic of Debate for Next Session
3.8 Homework Assignments
3.9 Suggested Readings

Chapter4 Organization of Ideas
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Three-Part Structure
4.3 Writing an Outline
4.4 Speech by Franklin Roosevelt
4.5 Classroom Activities
4.6 Student Sample Speech
4.7 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
4.8 Topic of Debate for Next Session
4.9 Suggested Readings

Chapter 5 Process of Argumentation Ⅰ
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Ways of Reasoning
5.3 Types of Evidence
5.4 Speech by Martin Luther King
5.5 Classroom Activities
5.6 Student Sample Speech
5.7 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
5.8 Topic of Debate for Next Session
5.9 Suggested Readings

Chapter 6 P.ocess of Argumentation Ⅱ
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Logical Fallacy
6.3 Lack of Elaboration
6.4 Digression
6.5 Speech by Churchill
6.6 Classroom Activities
6.7 Student Sample Speech
6.8 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
6.9 Topic of Debate for Next Session
6.10 Suggested Readings

Chapter 7 Coherence, Unity and Cohesion Ⅰ
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Coherence
7.3 Unity
7.4 Cohesive Ties
7.5 Speech by Bill Clinton
7.6 Classroom Activities
7.7 Student Sample Speech
7.8 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
7.9 Topic of Debate for Next Session
7.10 Suggested Readings

Chapter 8 Coherence, Unity and Cohesion Ⅱ
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Unity
8.3 Cohesive Ties
8.4 Speech by Susan Anthony
8.5 Classroom Activities
8.6 Student Sample Speech
8.7 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
8.8 Topic of Debate for Next Session
8.9 Suggested Readings

Chapter 9 Speech and Emotion
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Emotion as an Essential Element
9.3 Emotion and Sincerity
9.4 Emotion and Use of Stress, Pause, and Tone
9.5 Emotion and Pitch and Rate
9.6 Speech by Earl Charles Spencer
9.7 Classroom Activities
9.8 Student Sample Speech
9.9 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
9.10 Topic of Debate forNext Session
9.11 Suggested Readings

Chapter 10 Opening a Speech
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Beginning with Background Information
10.3 Beginning with a Quote
10.4 Beginning with a Statement of Purpose
10.5 Beginning with a Question
10.6 Speech by Lawrence Summers
10.7 Classroom Activities
10.8 Student Sample Speech
10.9 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
10.10 Topic of Debate forNext Session
10.11 Suggested Readings

Chapter 11 Ending a Speech
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Ending with a Summary
11.3 Ending with a Reiteration of the Thesis
11.4 Ending with Suggestions
11.5 Ending with a Quote
11.6 Speech by Donald Petersen
11.7 Classroom Activities
11.8 Student Sample Speech
11.9 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
11.10 Topic of Debate for Next Session
11.11 Suggested Readings

Chapter 12 Speech and Knowledge Ⅰ
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Knowledge of History
12.3 Knowledge of Literature
12.4 Knowledge of Philosophy
12.5 Knowledge of Society
12.6 Speech by Margaret Thatcher
12.7 Classroom Activities
12.8 Student Sample Speech
12.9 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
12.10 Topic of Debate for Next Session
12.11 Suggested Readings

Chapter 13 Speech and Knowledge Ⅱ
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Knowledge of History
13.3 Knowledge of Literature
13.4 Knowledge of the Audience's Mentality
13.5 Knowledge of Current Affairs
13.6 Speech by Neil Postman
13.7 Classroom Activities
13.8 Student Sample Speech
13.9 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
13.10 Topic of Debate forNext Session
13.11 Suggested Readings

Chapter 14 Rhetorical Devices Ⅰ
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Simile and Metaphor
14.3 Parallelism
14.4 Repetition
14.5 Antithesis I
14.6 Speech by Henry van Dyke
14.7 Classroom Activities
14.8 Student Sample Speech
14.9 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
14.10 Topic of Debate for Next Session
14.11 Suggested Readings

Chapter 15 Rhetorical Devices Ⅱ
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Alliteration
15.3 Cadence or Rhythm
15.4 Understatement
15.5 Rhetorical Questions
15.6 Speech by Obama
15.7 Classroom Activities
15.8 Student Sample Speech
15.9 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
15.10 Topic of Debate for Next Session
15.11 Suggested Readings

Chapter 16 Language Use
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Grammar
16.3 Wording
16.4 Expression
16.5 Speech by Drew Faust
16.6 Classroom Activities
16.7 Student Sample Speech
16.8 Comments on the Debate Held in Last Session
16.9 Suggested Readings

Chapter 17 Avoiding Plagiarism
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Using Direct Quotes
17.3 Paraphrasing
17.4 Using References


2.2.1Appealing to the Speaker
Why is it important to make a speech appealing to the speaker? If a topic does not attract you as a speaker, you will lack the emotional enthusiasm and knowledge to attract the audience. So first you need to ask: "What am I really interested in?" If you show interest in the examination system in China, you must have read widely about this topic and know a great deal about public opinion on this issue. Furthermore, you must have thought about this issue at length and formed your own opinions. Thus, when you select it as your speech topic, you'll know where to look for information, how to summarize current views on the issue, and how to win over your audience. If you choose a topic of little interest to you, and have not researched it thoroughly, you would certainly have little to say about it. Consequently, your audience would not be impressed either. So before you select a speech topic, it is better for you to ask the following questions and see if you can have a satisfactory answer to each one of them.
Am I really interested in this topic?
Do I have much knowledge regarding the topic?
Have I read a great deal about the topic?
What is the controversial issue?
As a college student, you might show great interest in a wide range of topics, such as sports, literature, art, history, the development of science and technology, etc. But the things that interest you might not necessarily interest your audience. So the issue for us to consider next is how to interest the audience in your speech.

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