 您现在的位置:图书 > 暴风雨(书+磁带)—外研社•企鹅英语分级有声读物


作  者:(英)莱尔德(Laird,E.) 著,黄江岩 注

出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社

丛 书:外研社·企鹅英语分级有声读物


定  价:13.00

I S B N :9787560033518

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  中小学英语    

标  签:英语课外阅读  中小学课外读物  六年级  小学  教材教辅与参考书  读物  小学英语  英语与其他外语  综合  外国小说  




本套丛书内容丰富,由易渐难,主要突出了以下特色: 分级明确:结合最新颁布的国家《英语课程标准》(实验稿)的精神划分适用年级,遵循语言学习的规律,充分考虑到不同年龄段学生生理和心理发展的特点和需求; 配有音带:有助于提高听力水平,加强学生对语言的理解力; 插图生动:带你进入“读图时代”,意向直观、准确; 题材丰富:涵盖现代流行,经典名著和精彩原创三大类别,内容还涉及名人,名著,电影,戏剧等不同的领域; 注释简洁:帮助减少阅读过程中可能遇到的阻力,并激发学习者的自信心; 配有练习:理解题目按照阅读图式认知理论精心设计,为阅读提供了方向性指导与检测手段。



Chapter1 A Girl Alone
Chapter2 Emergency!
Chapter3 Into the storm
Chapter4 The Lights of Inverkeld
Chapter5 On the Sandbank
Chapter6 Into the Sea!
Chapter7 On the Cliffs
Chapter8 A Family Again
Answer Key


“Tessa Maclean, what are you doing?”Jim said.“You can't take a boat out in this weather.”
“I can and I will,” Tessa said.
“But the wind! It’s ...”
“Listen” said Tessa. “I’m going to Inverkeld. Are you coming with me? Then help me. Or are you afraid? Then jump off the boat and swim back to the beach.”
“But it’s dangerous!”Jim shouted.
He put his hands on the wheel.
“Stop it!” said Tessa angrily. “I can do it.”
A big wave hit the boat and the wheel turned in Tessa's hands. She couldn’t turn it back. Jim pushed her away and pulled the wheel round.
Another wave hit them. The boat went up high and then came down again quickly. The wind was stronger away from the beach and the cliffs.
“You stupid girl”Jim shouted angrily.“I know you’re running away! But why are you going tonight? In this weather? Why?”
“What?” said Tessa. “Don’t you know? Sheena...”
Another, bigger wave hit the little boat. Water started to come into the boat.
“Be careful!” shouted Jim.“I think the boat’s turning over!”
“I’m wearing the wrong shoes for a wet boat”Tessa thought. “I’m going to fall.”
Another wave hit them. The boat went up again, but it didn’t turn over. Tessa could stand up again now. She took off her shoes.
She looked up at Jim, at his hands on the wheel.
“Hey!” she shouted.“What are you doing?”
“I’m turning the boat round,” said Jim.“We’re going back to the island.”
“No!”said Tessa.“I have to go to Inverkeld! Sheena...”
“Don’t be ... ”began Jim.
“Listen!” shouted Tessa.“Why don’t you listen to me? Sheena’s baby’s coming and it’s five weeks early. The telephone isn’t working. I have to get the air ambulance.”
“What?” said Jim.
“Didn’t you know?” Tessa said. “Didn’t my dad tell you?”
“He ran past me”said Jim.“He didn’t stop and talk. He wanted to see my mother. Why didn’t you tell me about Sheena before?”
“You didn’t want to listen,” said Tessa.“I’m only a stupid girl, remember? I’m running away from home in the middle of a storm? OK, I’ll take you back to the island, then I’ll go to Inverkeld alone.”
But Jim turned the boat round again. It was very difficult in the strong wind.
“I’m sorry,”he said.“I didn’t understand. I’ll come to Inverkeld with you.You can’t do this alone.”
Tessa closed her eyes for a minute. She wasn’t angry now. She was happy.“He can help me with the boat,” she thought.
“Thank you” she said.“But you don’t have to come. I know it’s dangerous.”
For the first time,Jim smiled.
“That’s OK,” he said. “You can’t stop me. It’s not going to be easy. I often go to Inverkeld by boat, but I never go at night. There are rocks between here and the town. They’re under the water and we won’t see them in the dark.”
“I know,” Tessa said.“We’ll have to be careful. I’ll get out the life jackets.”
She opened a cupboard under the wheel and pulled out two life jackets. They put them on.
“Thank you,Jim,”she said.“Thank you for your help.”

Tessa went in the back of the ambulance with Jim. The driver used his radio.
“Can you send the air ambulance to Seagull Island?”he said.“A woman’s having a baby, and it’s five weeks early.”
They arrived at the hospital quickly, and the doctors took Jim away.
“I’ll come and visit you,Jim,”Tessa said.
“You don’t have to,”said Jim.“I’m not going to stay here. I want to get back to the island.”
“I’ll be there,” Tessa said.
“Really?” said Jim.“You’re not going to leave?”
“Oh no”said Tessa.“Not now. I’m not going to leave now.”
A doctor came to Tessa.
“Are you thc girl from the island?” he asked.“Is your mother having a baby?”
“My—yes,”said Tessa.“Yes, my mother.”
“The air ambulance is ready,”the doctor said.“I’m going out to Seagull Island now.”
“Oh, please,”said Tessa,“can I go with you? I want to go home.”
“I’m sorry,” the doctor said. “The air ambulance only carries doctors.”
Tessa thought quickly.
“I’ll have to go” she said. “You don’t know the way to our house.”
The doctor smiled.
“All right,” he said.“You win. Let’s go.”
Tessa looked down from the air ambulance on to the dark sea.
“Is Dad very angry with me?”she thought.“And Sheena - is she all right?”
They came down near the farmhouse and Tessa ran home fast. The doctor followed her more slowly.
Tessa opened the door. Her father was in the kitchen. John Maclean looked up.
“Tessa!” he said.“Oh, my little girl! You’re all right! You came back! I’m sorry. It was my fault. I ...”
“Oh, Dad...”said Tessa.“It’s not important now. How’s Sheena? Is she all right?”
Her father’s face was sad.
“Sheena’s fine,”he said.“Mrs Logan’s with her. She helped - she did everything. But the baby isn’t well. We’ll have to get a doctor when we can. I’m afraid ...”
“The doctor’s here, Dad,”Tessa said.“I went to Inverkeld and I came back with the air ambulance. The doctor’s coming now.”
The doctor came quickly into the farmhouse.
“Doctor?” John Maclean said.“Oh, doctor! Please come with me.”
He took the doctor into the bedroom.
An hour later, the doctor called Tessa.
“Come and meet your little brother,”he said.
“My brother?” said Tessa.“Is he going to be all right?”
“Yes,” the doctor said. “He’ll be all right now. You saved him, Tessa. You saved his life.”
Tessa went into the bedroom. Sheena was in bed. She looked white and tired. The baby was in her arms.
“Oh, Tessa,” said Sheena.“I’m sorry. I was unkind to you. Your father loves you very much, and I wanted him to love me. I didn’t want you here. But now...”
“It’s OK, Sheena,”Tessa said. “It was my fault. I was worse than you. Can I see the baby?”
“Yes,” Sheena smiled. “He’s yours, too.”
She put the baby into Tessa’s arms.
“My little brother,” said Tessa.“My dear little brother.”
She looked up at her father.
“We’re a family again now, Dad,” she said happily.

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装  帧:平装

页  数:30

版  次:2003年11月第1版

开  本:32开
