 您现在的位置:图书 > 美术馆(总第15期2008年B辑)


作  者:王璜生

出 版 社:同济大学出版社


定  价:45.00

I S B N :9787560840444

所属分类: 艺术  >  美术  >  绘画    

标  签:艺术理论  艺 术  






    Art Museums in Contemporary Culture
    收藏/博物馆  唐纳德普雷兹奥西著易英译
    Collecting|Museums Donald Preziosi Translated by Yi Yinge
    展台与展品  安娜.维亚尔著李军译
    Exhibition Stand and Exhibits  Anne Villard Translated by Li Jun
    令观众在展品与文字说明卡之间周旋的技艺  安娜一索菲.格拉辛著李军译
    The MethOd Makes the Audience Focused on Both Exhibit and Instruction Card
    Anne—Sophie Grassin Translated by Li Jun
    The Spekulation of Oil Painting Restoration Jiang Yuzhi
    The Software and Hardware Requirement OfAn Museum’S Artworks
    Storage Room Ding Zongjiang
    博物馆之间艺术作品外借与交换管理的基本原则  李军译
    The Basic Regulation of Artworks’Circulation in Museum Community
    Translated by Li Jun
    故宫之为文化的再现:中国艺术展览与典律的形成  朱静华著徐婉玲译
    The Palace Museum as Representation of Culture:Exhibition and Canons of
    Chinese Art History Jane C Ju Translated by Xu Wanling
    ——记1915年中华民国参加巴拿马一太平洋世博会  苏珊著肖笛译胡斌校
    A Pre--Fab Forbidden City?The Chinese Republic at the Panama--Pacific Expo of
    1915  Susan R.Fernsebner Translated by Xiao Di Proofread by Hu Bine
    Hong Kong Museum System and Community Identity Study:A Case Study of
    “Hong Kong Story”Exhibition Li Xiaoxin
    A Subject of 0pen Nature
    现代主义  查理.哈里森著易英译
    Modernism Charles Harrison Translated by Yi Ying
    纽约波普艺术运动的兴起——兼论收藏家与艺术商在其中的作用  李云
    The Rise of New York Pop An—一The Roles That Collectors and Art Agents
    Played in this Movement  Li Yun
    寻常事物的变形(摘译)  阿瑟.C.丹托著陈岸瑛译
    A Abridged Translation from Arthur Coleman Danto’S The Transfiguration of the
    Commonplace Translated by Chen Anying
    ——罗萨林·克劳斯对格林柏格批评理论的批判  何桂彦
    The Criticism of Post—Formalism and Collapse of Modernism Myth
    —Rosalind Krauss’S Criticism on Greenberg’S Critical Theory He Guiyan
    The Visual Analysis of the Artistic Objects under the Destined Strategy
    The Divergence of The Humanistic Spirit Shan Shilian
    ——一个思想史的进路  黄宗贤鲁明军
    The Rise and Evolvement of Popularization of Chinese Modem Art
    —A Access Road into Intellectual History Huang Zongxian Lu Mingjun
    From Returning to Beyond--Ding Yanyong’S Chinese Painting Lang Shaojun
    A Pure Art Belief and Comprehensive Mind
    Ding Yanyong’S Oil Painting Gao Meiqing
    Growing Against the Strong Wind and Big WaVes—The Image of Children in
   Chinese Fine Art After 1 949  Lu0 Siying
    The Latest News of Exhibition-curation
    ——关于“广州三年展”的内在思路和学术走向  王璜生
    Caring Frontline,Observing Present History Inner Thinking and Academic
    Direction of Guangzhou Triennial Wang Huangsheng
    Observations and Presentiments on“After Post—colonialism” Gao Shiming
    Public Education Effect of Museum via the Public Activities During The Third
    Guangzhou Triennial Liu Duanling
    A Polycentric Review of the Books
    文献·学术·高度——读《高山仰止:王朝闻百年诞辰纪念集》  朱万章
    Documents·Academy·Achievement--Impressions of A Hearty Admiration:Fest—schrift of Wang Zhaowen Zhu Wanzhang


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页  数:320页

开  本:16
