 您现在的位置:图书 > 话语文体学导论:文本分析方法(复旦博学•语言学系列)


作  者:曲卫国 著

出 版 社:复旦大学出版社

丛 书:复旦博学·语言学系列


定  价:35.00

I S B N :9787309064575

所属分类: 人文社科  >  社会科学  >  语言文字学    

标  签:写作学与修辞学  语言学  语言文字  




试图突破传统文体学教材的思路和框架,在阐述分析文体学的基本理念和方法时做一些批判性的思考,将文体分析和文本阐释过程有机结合,使读者在具体、系统分析文体特征的同时,了解制约文本解读的认知因素,从而帮助他们掌握文本分析和解读的基本方法。本书还引入了最新的话语分析成果,对一般文体学教科书鲜有涉及的读者定位、互文性、多模态话语等问题进行了深入探讨。就方法论而言,本书强调文体学分析的程序性和可操作性。 书可作为高校英语专业研究生的文体学教材,也可供相关英语工作者参考。


曲卫国,复旦大学外文学院教授、博导、副院长。1982年华东师范大学外语系学士、1986年华东师范大学外语系美国文学硕士、1991年英国strathclyde大学获文学语言学硕士、2004—2005哈佛大学富布赖特访问学者。曾被评为上海市优秀青年教师(1996)、复旦大学本科教学名师(2003)、复旦大学研究生优秀导师(2006)、上海市本科教学名师(2007);入选“上海市浦江人才计划”(2007);荣获国家级教学成果奖二等奖(1997);所著《英语高级写作》获上海市本科生优秀教材一等奖(2007)。 主要研究方向话语分析、社会语言学、修辞学等。主要出版著作有《实用英语语法手册》、《实用描写词典》、《论说文入门》等十几部。论文包括“也评关联理论” 、“也谈please,也谈请”、“论传统中国的礼貌原则”、“礼貌称呼的语用学解释”、“汉语招呼的分析”、“Politeness and Civility”、“微观层面的批判性思维和写作程序训练”、“Please的再研究”、“人文学科的修辞转向和修辞学的批判性转向”、“英语招呼语的历时语用研究”等近三十篇。


Preface 1 Part I Basics
Chapter One Introduction:Defining the Basics
1.1 Style
1.2 D istinctiveness and foregrounding
1.3 Literariness
1.4 Dualism vs monism
1.5 Style and ideology
1.6 Stylistics

Chapter Two Analytical Procedures
2.1 Replicability
2.2 Basic levels of analysis
2.3 Patterning or regularity
2.4 The use of theories

Part Ⅱ Poetic Discourse
Chapter Three Sound Patterning
3.1 Poetic textual convention
3.2 Sound patterning in the traditional poetic convention
3.3 Analyzing sound patterns:metrics
3.4 Analyzing sound patterns:rhyme scheme
3.5 An alternative approach to the analysis of sound patterning

Chapter Four Sound Symbolism
4.1 Sound and meaning
4.2 Genre-signaling function
4.3 Sound symbolism

Chapter Five Grammar in Poetry
5.1 Grammar and poetry
5.2 Grammatical theories and stylistic analysis of poetry
5.3 Poetic use of grammar

Chapter Six Meaning in Poetry
6.1 Meaning in poetry
6.2 Figurative language
6.3 Analyzing common figures of speech
6.4 Linguistic analysis of the meaning of a poem

Part III Prose Discourse
Chapter Seven Point of View
7.1 Point of view:perspectual or conceptual
7.2 Point of view and perceptual salience
7.3 Point of view and conceptual salience

Chapter Eight Point of View in Narrative Discourse
8.1 Point of view and narration
8.2 First person point of view
8.3 Third person point of view
8.4 Shifting points of view
8.5 Friedman's classification

Chapter Nine Reader Positioning and Reading Positions
9.1 Hypotheses on reading positions and positioning the reader
9.2 Hall's theory on reading positions
9.3 Reader positioning

Chapter Ten Reader Positioning Strategies:Lexical and Syntactic Signaling
10.1 Lexical signaling:semantic fields and collocation
10.2 Analyzing lexical signalling
10.3 Syntactic signaling:transitivity analysis
10.4 Analyzing syntactic signaling

Chapter Eleven Intertextuality
11.1 Hypotheses on intertextuality
11.2 Insertion:speech presentation
11.3 Assimilation

Chapter Twelve Multi-modality and Reader Positioning
12.1 Text and multi-modality
12.2 Theories on multi-modality
12.3 Analyzing multi-modal texts



The title of the report points to Muslim fury as the central message but the status of that centrality is subtly challenged by the photo that accompanies the text.Instead of having one photo demonstrating the Muslim fury,it places Sarkozy in the photo, with one finger pointing up showing no sign of regret or backing down.It is in this way that the report signals a stance while appearing to be neutral or without commi。 ting itself.
Thanks to Barthes.Kress and Leeuwen,we now have some basic understanding of how the two modes interact with each other.But while research on the role of the visual literacy or the visual rhetoric has been gaining ground as witnessed by the pub- lications in the field.the research on interaction between the visual and the linguistc has been somewhat underdeveloped.The shift,in the field,is a move towards a new literacy that gives centrality to the visual.We believe with the multimodal texts,we not only need to cultivate the visual literacy in addition to the linguistic literacy but al- so knowledge of how the two modes operate in coordination for some stylistic effects. What we have described here is just some preliminary explorations of the interaction. Much work needs to be done in this respect.

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装  帧:平装

页  数:412

版  次:1版

开  本:16开

