 您现在的位置:图书 > 72小时征服雅思写作


作  者:王晓燕

出 版 社:世界图书出版公司

丛 书:王牌雅思经典系列


定  价:35.00

I S B N :9787510009198

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  真题    

标  签:语言文字  语言.文字  英语教学  








Hour 1.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习1
Hour 2.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习2
Hour 3.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习3
Hour 4.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习4
Hour 5.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习5
Hour 6.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习6
Hour 7.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习7
Hour 8.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习8
Hour 9.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习9
Hour 10.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习10
Hour 11.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习11
Hour 12.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习12
Hour 13.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习13
Hour 14.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习14
Hour 15.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习15
Hour 16.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习16
Hour 17.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习17
Hour 18.雅思写作必备词汇——词汇造句练习18
Hour 19.倾向式写作格局
Hour 20.平衡式写作格局
Hour 21.大作文审题
Hour 22.布局谋篇——纲举目张双边平衡式写作格局
Hour 23.布局谋篇——单边倾向式写作格局
Hour 24.布局谋篇——问题分析+解决方案型文章
Hour 25.先声夺人的开头段(一)
Hour 26.谚语名言的华丽登场
Hour 27.先声夺人的开头段(二)
Hour 28.开头段精美套句
Hour 29.头脑风暴——文章的观点
Hour 30.文章的拓展方法(一)
Hour 31.文章的拓展方法(二)
Hour 32.以退为进的让步段写法
Hour 33.结尾段
Hour 34.形随意走,畅水流云
Hour 35.热题点拨——搜集写作素材(一)
Hour 36.热题点拨——搜集写作素材(二)
Hour 37.热题点拨——搜集写作素材(三)
Hour 38.热题点拨——搜集写作素材(四)
Hour 39.热题点拨——搜集写作素材(五)
Hour 40.热题点拨——搜集写作素材(六)
Hour 41.热题点拨——搜集写作素材(七)
Hour 42.背景知识——养料补给
Hour 43.写作练习——水资源短缺
Hour 44.范文分析
Hour 45.写作练习——政府干预学生必修课
Hour 46.范文分析
Hour 47.写作练习——儿童失学
Hour 48.范文分析
Hour 49.写作练习——国际援助
Hour 50.范文分析
Hour 51.写作练习——学习能力
Hour 52.范文分析
Hour 53.写作练习——家庭关系
Hour 54.范文分析
Hour 55.写作练习——环境国际化
Hour 56.范文分析
Hour 57.写作练习——艺术投资
Hour 58.范文分析
Hour 59.写作练习——广告
Hour 60.范文分析
Hour 61.写作练习——退休年龄
Hour 62.范文分析
Hour 63.写作练习——媒体
Hour 64.范文分析
Hour 65.写作练习——学生宿舍
Hour 66.范文分析
Hour 67.写作练习——政府干预民众生活方式
Hour 68.范文分析
Hour 69.图表作文概述及线状图和柱状图作文
Hour 70.饼状图和表格作文
Hour 71.复合图表
Hour 72.流程图



To improve the environment and beautify our surrounding is the theme of today sworld. To cooperation at the international level is highly desirable. I fully agree with theclaim that international joint efforts are the best way to protect environment.
Obviously, most of the environmental problems, ranging from deforestation in a smallarea to global warming, are not the result of any individual country. It is true that a growingnumber of problems are no longer confined to a certain region or country. Oil spills canpollute international waters ; the loss of the ozone layer may lead to the melting of ice capsand glaciers, which in turn, may raise sea levels worldwide. Both cases, of course, go farbeyond individual countries. It is in such cases that international cooperation is not onlydesirable, but also invaluable. International c
mmittee should be set up and internationalstandards established, so that individual efforts can be coordinated and resources used totheir fullest potential.
It does not necessarily mean that individual countries and individual persons no longerhave anything to do with environmental problems. Firstly, it is the individual countries thatfinally carry out measures agreed upon at an international level.
Secondly, only when individual countries have succeeded in improving their own circumstances can an international solution be achieved. Finally, individual persons also play a crucial role in that if everyone does a small part, then together we can achieve a lot. If we all start with small things such as recycling plastics and saving water and electricity, then the tasks that the country as a whole faces will be a lot easier.
Therefore, the best way, if there is one, is that we deal with environmental problems at both individual and international levels.

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