 您现在的位置:图书 > 2010年大学英语4级考试王长喜英语预测试卷(共10套)(试卷+MP3光盘)第十五版 新题型 嵌入版
2010年大学英语4级考试王长喜英语预测试卷(共10套)(试卷+MP3光盘)第十五版 新题型 嵌入版

2010年大学英语4级考试王长喜英语预测试卷(共10套)(试卷+MP3光盘)第十五版 新题型 嵌入版

作  者:王长喜 主编

出 版 社:学苑出版社


定  价:21.80

I S B N :9787507716108

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  大学英语  教育学习  >  语言学习    

标  签:英语四、六级  英语考试  外语  大学英语四级  








Key to Model Test One
Key to Model Test Two
Key to Model Test Three
Key to Model Test Four
Key to Model Test Five
Key to Model Test Six
Key to Model Test Seven
Key to Model Test Eight
Key to Model Test Nine
Key to Model Test Ten


Recently, satety concerns of a difterent kind have been voiced. Representatives from the USDepartment of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security told a House of Representativessubcommittee that allowing mobile use on planes could facilitate terrorism by allowing bombs to beset off remotely. Although anyone determined enough to set off a bomb would presumably beunlikely to turn their phone off simply because the cabin crew asked them to, it is an illustration ofjust how many facets there are to this issue.
Meanwhile the potential for providing mobile access is building steadily. Global satellitenetwork owner Inmarsat has recently launched next-generation 1-4 satellites to expand bandwidthand coverago across the Indian Ocean. It thinks there is massive potential in providing Internet andmobile_phone services to passengers on commercial airlines. Inmarsat's avionics are alreadyinstalled on some 70% of long-haul wide-bodied aircraft, yet on most only a small amount of theavailable capacity is used. Clearly Inmarsat believes if there is a way of allowing passengers tomake calls from their own phones, this excess capacity could be constructively utilized.
The plane manufacturers too are stepping up their drive towards mobile services. Boeing, withits Sconnexion service, already provides WiFi Intemet access to on-board laptop users on around 70planes operated by Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines and a few others. Its rival, Airbus, is part of theOn Air Consortium, supported by SITA, the common services provider to the air travel industry,and Tenzing, which provides Internet and e-mail technology to airlines. SITA estimates that by2009 the market for in-flight mobile services will be worth $1.6 million. Airbus aims to enablemobile calls on its planes by 2006.
Although technology does not appear to be much of a barrier ( a "pico cell" can easily beinstalled on an aircraft to act as a local ground station) regulatory bodies still have to be convinced.As Virgin Atlantic's Tharp explains, "Standards are going to have to be laid down —— the regulatoryauthorities like the BAA and FAA (British Airports Authority and the Federal AviationAdministration in the UA) will decide on safety matters. There are also very powerful telecomsplayers, like Vodafone and AT&T, who have no intention in letting their brand be affected by safetyconcerns on board planes. As airlines we have to take both of these into account. "



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