 您现在的位置:图书 > 内科学


作  者:殷凯生 主编

出 版 社:科学出版社

丛 书:普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,医学英文原版改编双语教材


定  价:118.00

I S B N :9787030165664

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材  专业科技  >  医学  >  临床医学  >  内科学    

标  签:




  近十年来,我国高等医学教育发展迅速。为了与国际接轨,提高医学生的英语水平,满足社会的需要,《内科学》双语教学受到了广泛的重视,也取得了一定的成绩。但是,缺乏高质量的教材成为制约《内科学》双语教学的一个瓶颈。目前国内所使用的《内科学》双语教学的教材主要有两种情况:一种是由任课教师自己编写的教材,另一种是直接使用国外原版内科学教科书。教学实践中发现,使用这两种教材都存在一定的问题。自编教材,不统一、不规范,英语表达也不地道,受任课教师本人英语水平的局限;而直接使用国外原版教材,虽然英语表达地道、准确,但与国内现行的中文《内科学》教材的教学大纲、内容和体例等方面相差甚远。因此,科学出版社决定出版这套以两本原版内科学教材“Harrison's Manual 0f Medicine(16thEdition)”和“current Medical Diagnosis&Treatment”(2005)为基础,由国内一批富有内科学教学与临床经验的专家参考卫生部临床医学专业教材编审委员会提出的内科学教学大纲加以改编的《内科学》教材,以满足我国高等医学院校《内科学》双语教学的需求。


Part 1 Disorders of The Respiratory System
 Chapter 1 Acute Upper Respiratory Infection And Acute Bronchitis
 Chapter 2 Pulmonary Infectious Disease
 Chapter 3 Bronchiectasis
 Chapter 4 Pulmonary Tuberculosis
 Chapter 5 Chronic Obstructive Pulmo- nary Disease ( COPD )
 Chapter 6 Asthma
 Chapter 7 Pulmonary Embolism
 Chapter 8 Pulmonary Hypertension And Cor Pulmonale
 Chapter 9 Interstitial Lung Diseases(Diffuse Parenchymai Lung Disease)
 Chapter 10 Pleural Diseases
 Chapter 11 Bronchogenic Carcinonm
 Chapter 12 Sleep Apnea Syndrome
 Chapter 13 Respiratory Failure
 Chapter 14 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) And Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome ( MODS )
Part 2 Disorders of The Cardiovascular System
 Chapter 1 Approach to Cardiovascular Disease
 Chapter 2 Heart Failure
 Chapter 3 Cardiac Arrthythmia
 Chapter 4 Syncope
 Chapter 5 Hypertension
 Chapter 6 Coronary Atherosclerotic Heart Diseases
 Chapter 7 Valvular Heart Disease
 Chapter 8 Infective Endocarditis
 Chapter 9 Myocardial Disease
 Chapter 10 Pericardial Disease
 Chapter 11 Congenital Heart Diseases
 Chapter 12 Vascular Disease
 Chapter 13 The Catheterization Therapy of Cardiovascular Disease
Part 3 Disorders of The Digestive System
 Chapter 1 General Introduction of Gastrointestinal Disease
 Chapter 2 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
 Chapter 3 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
 Chapter 4 Esophageal Cancer
 Chapter 5 Gastritis
 Chapter 6 Gastric Carcinoma
 Chapter 7 Inflammatory Bowel Disease
 Chapter 8 Intestinal Tuberculosis
 Chapter 9 Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
 Chapter 10 Disorders of Absorption
 Chapter 11 Colorectal Cancer
 Chapter 12 Gastrointestinal Bleeding
 Chapter 13 Approach to The Patient With Liver Disease
 Chapter 14 Alcoholic Liver Disease
 Chapter 15 Cirrhosis and Its Complications
 Chapter 16 Toxic and Drug-Induced Hepatitis
 Chapter 17 Autoimmune Hepatitis
 Chapter 18 Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
 Chapter 19 Carcinomas of The Liver
 Chapter 20 Jaundice
 Chapter 21 Approach to the Patient With Pancreatic Disease
 Chapter 22 Acute Pancreatitis
 Chapter 23 Chronic Pancreatitis
 Chapter 24 Pancreatic Cancer
Part 4 Disorders of The Urinary System
 Chapter 1 General Introduction


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装  帧:平装

页  数:998

版  次:1
