 您现在的位置:图书 > 计量经济学导论:现代观点(第4版)(清华经济学系列英文版教材)


作  者:(美)杰弗里·M.伍德里奇

出 版 社:

丛 书:清华经济学系列英文版教材


定  价:59.00

I S B N :9787302204732

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材  人文社科  >  经济  >  经济学读物  >  经济学理论、研究与通识    

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杰弗里·M.伍德里奇(Jeffrey M.Wooldridge) 密歇根州立大学经济学教授,曾在国际知名期刊发表学术论文三十余篇,参与过多种书籍的写作。他获得过Alfred P.Sloan研究员基金、应用计量经济学期刊的R.Stone爵士奖等奖项。他还是《商业与经济统计学》杂志(Joumal of Business and Economic Statistics)的编委,并供职于《计量经济学》杂志(Journal of Econometrics)和《经济统计学评论》(Review of Economics and Statistics)的编委会。


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The structure of the text makes it cleal for a course with a crosssectional or policyanalysis focus: the time series chapters can be skipped in lieu of topics from Chapters 9,13, 14, or 15. Chapter 13 is advanced only in the sense that it treats two new data structures: independently pooled cross sections and twoperiod panel data analysis. Such datastructures are especially useful for policy analysis, and the chapter provides several examples. Students with a good grasp of Chapters 1 through 8 will have little difficulty withChapter 13. Chapter 14 covers more advanced panel data methods and would probably becovered only in a second course. A good way to end a course on crosssectional methodsis to cover the rudiments of instrumental variables estimation in Chapter 15.
I have used selected material in Part 3, including Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 17, in asenior seminar geared to producing a serious research paper. Along with the basic onesemester course, students who have been exposed to basic panel data analysis, instrumental variables estimation, and limited dependent variable models are in a position to readlarge segments of the applied social sciences literature. Chapter 17 provides an introduction to the most common limited dependent variable models.
The text is also well suited for an introductory master' s level course, where the emphasis is on applications rather than on derivations using matrix algebra. Still, for instructorswanting to present the material/in matrix form, Appendices D and E are selfcontainedtreatments of the matrix algebra and the multiple regression model in matrix form.
At Michigan State, PhD students in many fields that require data analysisincludingaccounting, agricultural economics, development economics, finance, international economics, labor economics, macroeconomics, political science, and public financehavefound the text to be a useful bridge between the empirical work that they read and the moretheoretical econometrics they learn at the PhD level.

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装  帧:平装

页  数:631页

版  次:1

开  本:16

