 您现在的位置:图书 > 染整专业英语(附盘)普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材.高职高专


作  者:伏宏彬 主编

出 版 社:中国纺织出版社

丛 书:普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材.高职高专


定  价:33.00

I S B N :9787506455121

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  高职高专教材    

标  签:






Chapter 1 Fibre, Yarn and Fabric
1.1 Text:What is a fibre
Reading material:Fine structure of fibre
1.2 Text:Natural cellulosic fibres
Reading material:Degradation of cellulose
1.3 Text:Natural protein fibres
Reading material:Wool farming
1.4 Text:Regenerated fibres
Reading material:Tencel
1.5 Text:Synthetic fibres
Reading material:Fibre lustre
1.6 Text:Yarn and fabric
Reading material:Primary and secondary motions of loon

Chapter 2 Pre-treatment Processes of Textiles
2.1 Text:Preparations before wet pre-treatment
Reading material:Water and textile processing
2.2 Text:Desizing
Reading material:Size reclamation
2.3 Text:Scouring
Reading material:Special scouring processes
2.4 Text:Bleaching
Reading material:Surfactants
2.5 Text:Mercerizing
Reading material:Degumming of silk
2.6 Text. Heat setting
Reading material:Heat-setting and steam-setting of nylon

Chapter 3 Dyeing of Textiles
3.1 Text:Introduction to dyeing
Reading material:Dyeing equilibrium
3.2 Text:Classification of dyes
Reading material:Attributes of colour
3.3 Text:Dyeing machines
Reading material:Pad dyeing machine
3.4 Text:Dyeing of cellulose fabric
Reading material:Structure of cotton in relation to dyeing
3.5 Text:Dyeing of protein fabric
Reading material:Colour kitchens
3.6 Text:Dyeing of polyester fabric
Reading material:Colour matching in textile
3.7 Text:Dyeing of polyacrylic textiles
Reading material:Action of auxiliaries

Chapter 4 Printing of Textiles
4.1 Text:Introduction to printing
Reading material:Preparation of the fabric for printing
4.2 Text:Roller printing
Reading material:Ingredients of printing paste
4.3 Text:Screen printing
Reading material:Preparation of screen
4.4 Text. Transfer printing
Reading material:Other special printing techniques
4.5 Text:Direct printing with dyes
Reading material:Thickener
4.6 Text:Direct printing with pigments
Reading material:Designs
4.7 Text:Discharge and resist printing
Reading material:Post-print processes

Chapter 5 Finishing of Textiles
5.1 Text.Introduction to finishing
Reading material:Shrinkage control for wool
5.2 Text:Mechanical finishes
Reading material:Sueding or emerising
5.3 Text. Application of resin for finishing
Reading material:Dimethyloldihydroxyethylene-urea
5.4 Text:Water proofing and water repellent finishes
Reading material:Weighting of silk
5.5 Text:Flame retardant finish
Reading material:Shiffon finish
5.6 Text:Other special finishes
Reading material:Enzyme finishing

Chapter 6 Textile Testing
6.1 Text:Introduction to textile testing
Reading material:Terms used in sampling
6.2 Text:Testing of pre-treated fabric
Reading material:Precision and accuracy
6.3 Text:Measurement of coloured fabric
Reading material:Use of the grey scales
6.4 Text:Measurement of finished fabric
Reading material:Systematic error and random error
Appendix 1 Key Terms in Dyeing and Finishing
Appendix 2 Vocabulary
Appendix 3 Phrases and Expressions


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页  数:219

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开  本:16开

