 您现在的位置:图书 > 科大校友文库——人工肾:原理、研究方法和进展(全英文)


作  者:高大勇,黄忠平 等

出 版 社:中国科学技术大学出版社

丛 书:当代科学技术基础理论与前沿问题研究丛书:中国科学技术大学校友文库


定  价:68.00

I S B N :9787312022203

所属分类: 专业科技  >  医学  >  临床医学  >  外科学    

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Preface to the USTC Alumni's Series
List of Symbols
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Chapter 1 Human Kidneys
1.1 Function and Structure of Human Kidney
1.2 Kidney Failure
1.3 End-Stage Renal Disease
1.4 Classification of Uremic Solutes
Chapter 2 Artificial Kidneys
2.1 Function and Structure of Artificial Kidney
2.2 Major Milestones of Artificial Kidney Development
2.3 Classification of Artificial Kidneys
2.4 Dialysis Membranes
Chapter 3 Transport in Artificial Kidneys
3.1 Diffusive Transport
3.2 Convective Transport
3.3 Coupled Diffusive-Convective Transport

Section Ⅱ Numerical Analyses of Mass Transfer in Artificial Kidney
Chapter 4 Equivalent Annulus Model
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Modeling
4.3 Numerical Algorithm
4.4 Results and Discussion
4.5 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Porous Media Model
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Modeling and Algorithm
5.3 Results and Discussion
5.4 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Double Porous Media Model
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Theory
6.3 Simulation Conditions
6.4 Validation of Model
6.5 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Determinations of Membrane Properties and Parameters
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Preparation of Mini-Module Dialyzer
7.3 Selection of Solutes
7.4 Measurement of Hydraulic Permeability
7.5 Measurement of Diffusive Permeability
7.6 Measurement of Reflection Coefficient
7.7 Sample Assays
7.8 Calculation of Pore Size
7.9 Measurement of Darcy Permeability
Chapter 8 Kinetic Modeling in Hemodialysis
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Simulation of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy(CRRT)
8.3 Intermittent Hemodialysis and Sustained Low-EfficiencyDialysis
8.4 Results and Discussion
8.5 Conclusions

Section Ⅲ In Vitro Experimental Study of Hemodialysis
Chapter 9 Introduction to General in Vitro Methodologies
9.1 Hemodialyzers and Hemofilters
9.2 Experimental Solutes
9.3 System Setup
9.4 Data Analysis
Chapter 10 Local Clearance of Hemodialyzer
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Materials and Methods
10.3 Experiment Setup
10.4 Data Collection and Analysis
10.5 Results and Discussion
10.6 Conclusions
Chapter 11 Effects of Dialyzer Reprocessing
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Materials and Methods
11.3 Results and Discussion
11.4 Conclusions
Chapter 12 Cytokine-Induced Substance Back Transport in a High Flux Dialyzer
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Materials and Methods
12.3 Results
12.4 Discussion
12.5 Conclusions
Chapter 13 A Study of Dilution Mode and Ultrafiltration Rate in a High Volume Continuous Hemofiltration
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Materials and Methods
13.3 Assays
13.4 Results
13.5 Conclusions
Chapter 14 Determinants of Solute Clearance in Hemodiafiltration
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Purpose
14.3 Materials and Methods
14.4 Assays
14.5 Results and Discussion
14.6 Conclusions

Section Ⅳ Novel MRI Approach for Flow Field Measurement
Chapter 15 Basic Principles of MRI
15.1 Magnetic Properties of Atomic Nuclei
15.2 Relaxation Processes
15.3 Standard Imaging Pulse Sequences
15.4 Magnetic Resonance Flow-Imaging Techniques
Chapter 16 Experimental Design and Image Analysis
16.1 Flow Phantom
16.2 2-D Phase-Contrast Study
16.3 2-D Fourier-Transform Study
16.4 Results of 2-D Phase-Contrast Study
16.5 Results of 2-D Fourier-Transform Study

Section Ⅴ Advances in New Membrane Development
Chapter 17 Ceramic Membrane for Hemodialysis
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Principle of Aluminum Anodization
17.3 Materials and Methods
17.4 Results and Discussion
17.5 Conclusions
Chapter 18 Bio-functional Artificial Kidney
18.1 Current Status of Therapy for Renal Failure
18.2 Bioengineered Kidney



In addition, the mortality rate of ESRD patients in the United Statesremains higher than those reported in other industrialized nations such asEurope and Japan. Between the year 1982 and 1987, Japan had a 61%unadjusted five-year survival of ESRD patients, Europe had a 59%unadjusted five-year survival of ESRD patients, and the United Statesonly had 40% unadjusted five-year survival of ESRD patients. Whenadjusted for age and proportion of patients with diabetic nephropathy,the adjusted five-year survival of ESRD patients in the United Statesremained lower than that in Europe, followed by Japan. The adjustedrelative risk of mortality for ESRD patients in United States was 1.33compared to the ESRD patients in Japan and was 1.15 compared to theESRD patients in Europe (Held et al. 1990). It has also been reportedthat the mortality rates of ESRD patients undergoing dialysis therapy inthe United States were 25% to 50% higher than those in Japan andEurope (Friedman 1996).
In the year 1991, the gross mortality rate per 100 patient-years forthe ESRD patients in the United States was 28.7 compared to 13.0 for theESRD patients in Italy who started renal replacement therapy in 1986 and1987 respectively. The unadjusted relative risk of mortality for the ESRDpatients in Italy was 0. 439 compared to those in the United States. Whenadjusted for age, gender, diabetic status, comorbid conditions, andtreatment modality; the adjusted one-year, two-year, and five-yearsurvivals for the ESRD patients in the United States were 84. 4%,67. 0%, and 33.4% respectively, and those for the ESRD patients in Italywere 88.3%, 75.9%, and 45.9% respectively. The adjusted relative riskof mortality for the ESRD patients in Italy was 29% lower than that forthe ESRD patients in the United States (Marcelli et al. 1996).

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页  数:331

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