 您现在的位置:图书 > 妙语短篇(D3上外朗文学生系列读物)


作  者:(美)麦瑟尔德(Methold,K) 编;穆国豪 改编

出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社

丛 书:上外—朗文学生系列读物


定  价:11.00

I S B N :9787544610087

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  阅读    

标  签:






Unit 1 The Thirsty Ant
Unit 2 Hanaca's Hat
Unit 3 The Husband Who Looked After the House
Unit 4 King Solomon's Vase
Unit 5 The Mark of Wisdom
Unit 6 The Two Crows
Unit 7 The Three Sheiks and the Queen of Arabia
Unit 8 Pandora's Box
Unit 9 The Great Issumboshi
Unit 10 Believe It or Not
Unit 11 Anziz and His Magic Flute
Unit 12 Hurashima and the Greatest Gift of All
Unit 13 The Bird of Happiness
Unit 14 The Monkey and the Crocodile
Unit 15 King Midas
Unit 16 The Dragon and the Gypsy
Unit 17 The Crystal Ball
Unit 18 The Demon of Stone Mountain
Unit 19 The Young Prince
Unit 20 Apollo and the Shepherd



Because of her sadness, the tear had magical qualities andsuddenly the ant could speak the language of human beings.
The ant looked up and saw the young girl sitting in front of ahuge pile of seed.
"Why are you sad?" asked the ant.
"I'm the prisoner of a giant," the girl told the ant. "He won't letme go until I've made three separate heaps of grain, barley andrye out of this huge pile of seed in which they are all mixedtogether."
"That will take you a month!" the ant said, looking at the hugepile of seed.
"I know," the girl cried, "and if I haven't finished by tomorrow, thegiant will eat me for his supper!"
"Don't cry," the ant said. "My friends and I will help you."
Soon thousands of ants were at work, separating the threekinds of seeds.
The next morning, when the giant saw that the work had beendone, he let the girl go.
And thus it was that one of her tears saved her life.

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:172

版  次:第1版

开  本:32开

