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作  者:陈少伟,林文斌 主编

出 版 社:中国科学技术大学出版社

丛 书:当代科学技术基础理论与前沿问题研究丛书:中国科学技术大学校友文库


定  价:118.00

I S B N :9787312022692

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Preface of Alumni's Serials
Preface Shaowei Chen and Wenbin Lin

Part Ⅰ Nanomaterial Chemistry
Chapter 1Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Palladium Nanostructures
Yujie Xiong and Younan Xia
Chapter 2Synthesis and Optical Properties of Anisotropic Silver Nanocrystals: Shape and Size Matters Rongchao Jin
Chapter 3Chemical Transformation of Colloidal Nanocrystals Can K. Erdonmez and Yadortg Yin
Chapter 4Gold Nanoparticles with Controlled Chemical Functional Groups: Synthesis and Applications Qiu Dai, Jianhua Zou, Xiong Liu and Qun Huo
Chapter 5Synthesis of Colloidal Group Ⅱ-Ⅵ Semiconductor Nanocrystals Haitao Liu

Part Ⅱ Nanoelectronics and Molecular Electronics
Chapter 6One-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures for High-Performance, Flexible Electronics and Sensors Yugang Sun
Chapter 7Rational Synthesis and Characterization of InAs Nanowires Deli Wang
Chapter 8Electronic Properties and Applications of Ultra-High Density Silicon Nanowire Arrays Dunwei Wang
Chapter 9Molecular Junctions Based on Self-Assembly Monolayers Xiaojuan Fan
Chapter 10Scanning Force Microscopy: From Topographical to Functional Imaging Liwei Chen and Wei Lu

Part Ⅲ Nanomaterials and Energy Science
Chapter 11Theoretical Study of Photoinduced Election Transfer Reactions in Dye-semiconductor Nanosystems Haobin Wang
Chapter 12Zeolite Thin Films Christopher M. Lew, Rui Cai and Yushan Yan
Chapter 13Metal Nanoparticles as Anode Electrocatalysts for Direct Liquid Fuel Cells Wei Chen and Shaowei Chen

Part Ⅳ Nanomaterials and Biomolecules
Chapter 14Designing Functional Hybrid Nanomaterials by Combining Molecular Chemistry with Nanotechnology Jason S. Kim and Wenbin Lin
Chapter 15Inorganic Mesoporous Materials as the Supports for Proteins and Enzymes in the Third-Generation Electrochemical Biosensors Ling Zhang , Qian Zhang and Jinghong Li
Chapter 16Nanoprobing in Biological Sciences Weiwei Gu



I Introduction
Nanocrystals are clusters of hundreds to hundred thousands of atoms withsizes from several to several hundred nanometers. Semiconductor nanocrystalsexhibit interesting size and shape dependent properties. 1-3 Due to its smallsize, a large fraction of atoms in nanocrystal are located on the surface. Manyphysical properties of nanocrystals, such as melting point and phase transitionpressure, are affected by this surface effect. In addition, the electronicstructure of nanocrystal is quite different from that of the bulk. Similar to thebulk, the electronic structure of semiconductor nanocrystals consists ofconduction band and valance band, separated by a band gap. However, thereare also discrete energy levels near the band edge, a feature otherwise onlyfound in molecules and atoms. Due to the quantum confinement effect, theband gap of semiconductor nanocrystals generally increases as its sizedecreases. Depending on the shape of the nanocrystal, the quantumconfinement can be 3D (quantum dot), 2D (quantum rod), or 1D (quantumwell) (Figure 1).4
Figure 1. Left: Density of states of bulk semiconductor, semiconductor nanocrystal and atom. Right: Density of states in bulk semiconductor, quantum well, quantumrod, and quantum dot. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 4. Copyright 1996
American Chemical Society)
Size and shape are two of the most important parameters in defining theelectrical and optical properties and hence applications of nanocrystals.

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装  帧:平装

页  数:623

版  次:第1版

开  本:16开

