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作  者:侯仰龙

出 版 社:中国电力出版社

丛 书:快捷英语


定  价:14.00

I S B N :9787508375533

所属分类: 教育学习  >  中小学用书  >  按学年段分  >  七年级  教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  听力    

标  签:初一  初中  教材教辅与参考书  听力  各方向  初一(七年级)  各年级  中学英语  英语与其他外语  




同步性好 适用性广
设计巧妙 效果最佳
讲解精要 归纳精准


WEEK l Where’s your pen pal from?
WEEK 2 Where’S the post office?
WEEK 3 Why面you like koalas?
WEEK 4 I want to bc all actor
WEEK 5 I'm watching TV
WEEK 6 It’S raining!
WEEK 7 期中测试题(——)
WEEK 8 期中测试题(二)
WEEK 9 What does hc look like?
WEEK 10 Id like some noodles.
WEEK ll How Was your w∞kend7
WEEK l2 WheIe did you go Oil vacation?
WEEK l3 What do you think ofgame shows?
WEEK l4 Don’t eat in class.
WEEK l5 期末测试题(一)
WEEK l6 期末测试题(二)



I. W: There are some people in the busy street.
2. M: We often go to the supermarket on weekends.
3. W: There is a library near the pay phone.
4. M: Tom, could you tell me the way to the post office?
5. W: They live in the new hotel on a quiet street.
6. M: Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?
7. W: Where is the post office?
8. M: Let's take a walk through the park.
9. W: Can you play the guitar?
10. M: Where do people buy food?
11. M: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?
W: Yes, there is. It's behind the supermarket.
Q: Where's the hotel?
12. M: Where's the pay phone?
W: It's between the post office and the library.
Q: Where is the pay phone?
13. M: Excuse me. Where's your house?
W: Go down Center Street and my house is on youi"fight.
Q: How can the man find the woman's house?
14. M: There is a small supermarket next to the postoffice.
W: No! There is a big supermarket.
Q: What is next to the post office?
15. W: Excuse me. Is there a library here?
M: Sorry, I don't know.
Q: Where does the woman want to go?
M: Excuse me. Is there a hotel near here?
W: Yes, there is.
M: Can you tell me how to get to it?
W: Sure. The hotel is across from the post office.
M: Across from the post office? But where is the postoffice?
W: Oh, sorry. You go down this street. Then you see a
big supermarket on your fight, Turn right and
walk on. Then you can find the post office on
your left.
M: Oh, I see. So the hotel is on my right?
W: Yes, you are right.
M: Thank you very much.
W: You are welcome.
第21-25题M: Hello! My name is Bill. I'm fourteen. I study in No.
5 Middle School. Where do | live? Come with me tomy house. Go along Sixth Avenue and turn left at thebank. Go down Long Street and then pass asupermarket. Turn right at the second crossing. Nowwe're on Bridge Street. Go along the quiet street. Look!This is my house. It's big and new. It's between a newpark and a library.

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:102 页

版  次:1版

开  本:16

