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出 版 社:中国劳动社会保障出版社

丛 书:职业技能培训教材


定  价:19.00

I S B N :9787504548214

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  大学英语    

标  签:






Part One Useful English Dialogues
第一部分 常用英语对话
Lesson One Greetings and Farewells(问候与告别)(1)
Lesson Two Introductions(介绍)(11)
Lesson Three Expressing Gratitude(表示谢意)(19)
Lesson Four Congratulations and Good Wishes(祝贺与祝愿)(26)
Lesson Five Invitation(邀请)(34)
Lesson Six Apologies(道歉)(45)
Lesson Seven Asking the Way(问路)(55)
Lesson Eight Telephoning Conversations(电话交谈)(65)
Lesson Nine Talking about the Weather(谈论天气)(75)
Lesson Ten Shopping(购物)(89)
Lesson Eleven Seeing a Doctor(就医)(100)
Lesson Twelve At the Post Office(在邮局)(116)
Lesson Thirteen At the Customs(在海关)(128)
Lesson Fourteen At the Currency Exchange Agency(在货币兑换处)(138)
Lesson Fifteen At the Airport(在机场)(149)
Lesson Sixteen At the Dining Hall(在餐厅)(161)
Lesson Seventeen At a Hotel(在旅馆)(178)
Lesson Eighteen Touring and Sightseeing(旅游观光)(194)
Lesson Nineteen Job Hunting(找工作)(205)
Lesson Twenty Business Negotiations(贸易谈判)(219)
Lesson TwentyoneDaily Office Routine(办公室日常事务)(231)
Lesson TwentytwoRecreational Activities(文娱活动)(242)

Part Two Useful English Writings For Practical Relations
第二部分 英语常用应用文Unit OneLetters(书信)(254)
Unit Two Letters of Congratulations(祝贺信)(261)
Unit Three Invitation Cards and Letters of Invitation(请帖及邀请信)(264)
Unit Four Letters of Thanks(感谢信)(268)
Unit Five Letters of Reference and Recommendation(介绍信及推荐信)(271)
Unit Six Advertisement and Announcement(广告及通知)(276)
Unit Seven Contracts(合同)(282)

Appendix (附录)
Numerical Expressions(数字的表达)(289)



A:Excuse me,sir.I'd like to go t the Foreign Language Bookstore.Would you please tell me how to get there?
B:Yes,ma'am.It is not far from herr Would you like to take a bus or walk?
A:Well,I'd 1ike to walk there.
B:All right.Walk down this street until you come to a crossroad,then turn left.Not far off,you'II see a bookstore.
That is the Foreign Language Bookstore.
A:I see.By the way,is there a post office near the bookstore?
B:Yes,it's over there.
A:Ok Thanks a lot.

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:290 页

版  次:2版

开  本:32

