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作  者:江涛,孟飞 主编

出 版 社:石油工业出版社

丛 书:江涛英语


定  价:68.00

I S B N :9787502170820

所属分类: 教育学习  >  语言学习  >  英语  >  英语专项训练  >  真题    

标  签:








Chap Ter One 住房住宿类
Topic One 留学生家里被盗报警
Topic Two 房屋出租
Topic Three 介绍留学生在英国租房
Topic Four 老师向学生介绍寄宿事宜
Topic Five 租房咨询
Topic Six 请求帮忙照看房屋
Chap Ter Two 校园生活类
Topic One 女老师介绍学校
Topic Two 校园犯罪
Topic Three 学生和老师谈论选题
Topic Four 学习方法的辅导
Topic Five 课程
Topic Six 老师和两学生谈论学习
Topic Seven 导师和学生谈课题计划
Topic EighT 关于学生经济财务问题的专访
Topic Nine 留学生与老师聊学习
Topic Ten 女生填卡换专业
Topic Eleven 女学生与教授讨论论文
Topic Twelve 如何利用图书馆资源写论文
Topic ThirTeen 体育课不受重视
Topic FourTeen 选修课和必修课
Topic FifTeen 学生和老师商量课程
Topic Six Teen 学生讨论专业和学校
Chap Ter Three 研究报告类
Topic One 男女寿命长短差异
Topic Two 猎鹰
Topic Three 讨论制定观察鲸鱼的调查表
Topic Four 两学生谈论调查报告
Topic Five 不同音乐对人们用餐的影响
Topic Six 关于第一艘蒸汽船的演讲
Topic Seven 关于电动车的课题介绍
Topic EighT 关于阅读习惯的演讲
Topic Nine 失眠原因和解决方法
Topic Ten 讨论报告
Topic Eleven 做报告
Chap Ter Four 娱乐咨询类
Topic One 电话咨询野营
Topic Two 电话咨询订房事宜
Topic Three 电话预订机票
Topic Four 电话咨询学校情况
Topic Five 电话咨询农庄旅游
Topic Six 电话咨询飞机场交通情况
Topic Seven 咨询旅馆停车和博物馆
Topic EighT 咨询办理临时驾驶保险
Topic Nine 学生向老师咨询报告要求
Topic Ten 期末聚会
Topic Eleven 小镇冬季文化节
Topic Twelve 租场地举办晚会
Topic Thir Teen 男生向女老师咨询关于垃圾回收的采访事宜
Chap Ter Five 日常生活类
Topic One 女生头痛看病
Topic Two 预约看病
Topic Three 男士看病
Topic Four 电话购物
Topic Five 打电话换CD
Topic Six 女士买床
Topic Seven 换电饭锅
Topic EighT 搬家丢东西索赔
Topic Nine 索赔丢失胶卷
Topic Ten 购买汽车保险
Topic Eleven 租车
Topic Twelve 乘火车丢失包
Topic Thir Teen 去邮局寄东西
Topic Four Teen 办理信用卡
Topic Fif Teen 男士一天的生活状况
Chap Ter Six 健康环保类
Topic One 澳大利亚水资源
Topic Two 海洋物种灭绝
Topic Three 资源匮乏问题
Topic Four 夜班工人的健康问题
Topic Five 儿童健康情况报告
Topic Six 娱乐治疗
Topic Seven 健康俱乐部负责人演讲
Chap Ter Seven 建筑考古类
Topic One 关于阿兹特克人的考古研究
Topic Two 关于主题公园的采访
Topic Three 建筑材料
Chap Ter EighT 旅游介绍类
Topic One 公园介绍
Topic Two 恐龙博物馆
Topic Three 参观旅游城堡
Topic Four 运动城
Topic Five 海外旅游前的准备
Topic Six 洞穴旅游
Topic Seven 澳洲旅游
Topic EighT 独木舟旅行
Topic Nine 为慈善募捐进行徒步旅行
Topic Ten 新学期介绍
Chap Ter Nine 申请求职类
Chap Ter Ten 其他
Tapescript and Answers 听力原文及答



The beaches on the south shore of the cave are most popular with their fine sand and water that iS perfect for swimming. The beaches are the favorites among families,and are also ideal for water spots of all kinds. The recreational coral reefs around the island range from depth l 0 meters to 40 meters.Many ancient wrecks. caves and special reef formations will make a diver to experience best of scuba diving.For beginners of windsurfing,here offer an ideal training zone before heading out to the challenge of the ocean.Water skiing is a kind of ultimate rush on the water’S surface and you must book in advance.Whether you’re a beginner who just wants to get round without too many falls or a well-seasoned water sports fan,come here,you’re guaranteed a good time!
Some equipment lS needed for a safe and comfortable cave trip.It would be wise to check for a caver to find out if any equipment is included in ticket.And for the ones ale not included in ticket,you’d be~er bring them by yourself.The following items are necessities in a cave trip:
Map of cave:A map of cave is the most important in case you lose your way.
Helmet:A hard hat equipped with a chin strap and mounted with your primary source of light is required. The hard hat should be of good quality.
Footwear:Shoes should be sturdy hiking or work boots with non-slip,lug soles made high enough to provide ankle support.
Gloves:The protection of gloves will keep your hands clean and help minimize the number of cuts and scrapes you may get on your hands.
Cave pack:A fanny pack of substantial strength or all old military pack is helpful in carrying needed extra equipment(water food,rope,batteries,compass,and the like).



TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:524

版  次:1版

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸

