 您现在的位置:图书 > 研究生翻译基础教程(范杏丽)研究生用书系列


作  者:范杏丽 编著

出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社

丛 书:研究生教学用书


定  价:20.80

I S B N :9787560943947

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:英语  研究生  教材教辅与参考书  综合  英语与其他外语  




《研究生翻译基础教程》是专门为非英语专业硕士研究生撰写的,目的是帮助他们提高翻译的能力。全书共有15个单元,其中包括英译汉、汉译英的技巧讲解,并配有相应的补充练习。   本书可作为非英语专业硕士研究生的翻译课教材和备考材料,也可供具有一定英语水平的英语翻译爱好者使用。


Unit 1 Introduction to Translation
 1.1 翻译的定义
 1.2 翻译的过程
 1.3 翻译的标准
 1.4 翻译的方法
 1.5 翻译的条件
 1.6 翻译课的任务
Unit 2 Understanding Translation
 2.1 Two Steps of Translation
 2.2 Understanding Accurately
 2.3 Expressing Appropriately
 2.4 Exercises
Unit 3 Repetition
 3.1 Definition to Repetition
 3.2 Exercise and Explanation
 3.3 Translation and Culture
 3.4 E-C Translation Exercise
 3.5 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 4 Amplification
 4.1 Definition to Amplification
 4.2 Exercise and Explanation
 4.3 Translation and Culture
 4.4 E-C Translation Exercise
 4.5 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 5 Omission
 5.1 Definition to Omission
 5.2 Exercise and Explanation
 5.3 Translation and Culture
 5.4 E-C Translation Exercise
 5.5 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 6 Conversion
 6.1 Definition to Conversion
 6.2 Exercise and Explanation
 6.3 Translation and Culture
 6.4 E-C Translation Exercise
 6.5 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 7 Inversion
 7.1 Definition to Inversion
 7.2 Exercise and Explanation
 7.3 Translation and Culture
 7.4 E-C Translation Exercise
 7.5 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 8 Negation
 8.1 Definition to Negation
 8.2 Exercise and Explanation
 8.3 Translation and Culture
 8.4 E-C Translation Exercise
 8.5 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 9 The Change of the Voices
 9.1 Definition to the Change of the Voices
 9.2 Exercise and Explanation
 9.3 Translation and Culture
 9.4 E-C Translation Exercise
 9.5 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 10 Division ( I )
  t0.1 Definition to Division
  10.2 Exercise and Explanation
  10.3 Translation and Culture
  10.4 E-C Translation Exercise
  10.5 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 11 Division ( II )
  ll.1 Long and Complex Sentences
  ll.2 Translation and Culture
  ll.3 E-C Translation Exercise
  ll.4 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 12 Division (III)
 12.1 Exercise and Explanation
 12.2 Translation and Culture
 12.3 E-C Translation Exercise
 12.4 C-E Translation Exercise
Unit 13 成语与翻译
 13.1 成语的英汉互译
 13.2 练习与解释
 13.3 练习与解释
 13.4 汉译中英语成语的使用
Unit 14 Translation of Chinese Dishes
 14.1 Basics for the Translation of Chinese Dishes
 14.2 Names for the Daily Chinese Food
 14.3 Ways of Cooking and Cutting
 14.4 Practice of Translating Chinese Dishes into English
Unit 15 More Translation Exercises
 15.1 Translation from English into Chinese
 15.2 Translate the Following Underlined Sentences into English.
 15.3 Translate the Following Passages into English
Key to Exercises


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页  数:177

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开  本:16

