 您现在的位置:图书 > 高中英语易混词辨析/红魔英语


出 版 社:国防科技大学出版社

丛 书:红魔英语


定  价:16.80

I S B N :9787810992695



标  签:英语课外阅读  中小学课外读物  综合  高中  教材教辅与参考书  中学英语  英语与其他外语  英语  高考  考试  




A 1--56
a couple of; a pair of
a lot; lots of; a lot of
a most; most; the most
a number of; the number of
a part of; part of
able; unable; ability
about; or so; some
above; beyond
accent; noise; sound; voice
accident; event; incident
accuse; charge
according to; according as
achieve; arrive; reach
across; beyond
across; over; through
act as: act for
act; action; deed
actual; real; true
adapt; fit
address; lecture; speech; talk
admit; accept; receive; take
admit; recognize
advantage; benefit; profit
advice; opinion; proposal; suggestion
affect; effect; influence
afford; offer; provide; supply
afraid; frightened; scared; terrified
after / in a while; for a while; once in a while
after; behind; during; in; later
aged; old; elderly; elder; ancient
ago; before
aid; assist; help
aim; goal; purpose
air; heaven; sky; space
alike; like
all along; all the time; all the way
all at once; at once
all together; altogether
all; entire; total; whole
allow; let; permit; promise
almost; nearly
along with; together with
already; still; yet
also; as well; either; too
among; between
and; or
angry at; angry with
answer for; answer to
anxious; eager; keen; nervous
anxious; nervous; tense; tight
anytime; any time
anyone; any one
apologize for; apologize to
appreciate; thank
area; district; region
arise; rise
army; troop
as far as; so far; so far as
as much as; as many as
as soon as; once
as well; as well as


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