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A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing

A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing

作  者:Eimear McBride

出 版 社:Coffee House Press


定  价:24.00

I S B N :9781566893688



标  签:




Winner of the 2013 Goldsmith Prize.

"Eimear McBride is a writer of remarkable power and originality."—The Times Literary Supplement

"An instant classic."—The Guardian

"It's hard to imagine another narrative that would justify this way of telling, but perhaps McBride can build another style from scratch for another style of story. That's a project for another day, when this little book is famous."—London Review of Books

"A Girl is a Half-formed Thing is simply a brilliant book—entirely emotionally raw and at the same time technically astounding. Her prose is as haunting and moving as music, and the love story at the heart of the novel—between a sister and brother—as true and wrenching as any in literature. This is a book about everything: family, faith, sex, home, transcendence, violence, and love. I can't recommend it highly enough."—Elizabeth McCracken

"My discovery of the year was Eimear McBride's debut novel A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing."—Eleanor Catton

Eimear McBride's acclaimed debut tells the story of a young woman's relationship with her brother, and the long shadow cast by his childhood brain tumor, touching on everything from family violence to sexuality and the personal struggle to remain intact in times of intense trauma.

Eimear McBride was born in 1976 and grew up in Ireland. At twenty-seven she wrote A Girl is a Half-formed Thing and spent the next nine years trying to have it published.


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页  数:227

